
Homemade Yogurt Recipes

Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 216 Posts
March 23, 2011

Homemade yogurt in a bowl with a wooden spoon.Making your own yogurt is amazingly easy, and it is very good. Taking it another step and making Greek yogurt or yummy cheese is just as easy.



OK, about the ingredients. If you want rich yogurt, use whole milk. If you want lower calorie and fat, use reduced fat. Greek yogurt will be better if you use whole milk, and sometimes it is made with 1 1/2 cups milk and 1/2 cup cream. The best yogurt I ever made, naturally sweet and so delicious, was made with un-homogenized milk bought at a health food store. It is outstanding and needs no sweetener.

Now the starter. You can buy yogurt cultures from most places that sell cheese making supplies. One on line source is I have never used purchased cultures. I make yogurt with my favorite store bought yogurt, or with yogurt I've made myself. It is vital that this be all-natural yogurt with live cultures and NO thickeners like gelatin. You can use store bought Greek yogurt if you like.


Pour the milk into a medium sized saucepan. Over medium high heat, bring it to 100 degrees F. If you don't have a cooking thermometer, this is about as warm as you make a baby's bottle. Temperature is important - if it is not warm enough, it won't work; if it is too hot, it will kill the cultures.


Once it is the right temperature, stir in the yogurt, combining thoroughly.

Now you have to keep the mixture warm for at least 8 hours. In hot summer weather, just put it somewhere where it won't be disturbed. Temperatures in the 80's will be good, in the 90's perfect. In cooler weather, try the top of your refrigerator or hot water heater, or inside an oven with a pilot light. I have heard that some people have success by wrapping the container in some kitchen towels and putting it on top of a heating pad on the lowest setting, with a few layers of towel between the pad and the bowl.

Put the warm milk and yogurt in a very clean container with a lid. Wrap it is a kitchen towel to keep as much warmth in as you can. Put it in your chosen spot. Leave it without disturbing at all (don't peek!) for at least 8 hours. After 8 hours, check and see how thick it is.


Now to make Greek yogurt or yo-cheese: they do make special strainers for doing this. I have two, and they work really well. Mine look just like the little baskets used as strainers in coffee makers. If you don't have any, use cheesecloth. You can try lining a colander with a few layers of it. Put your yogurt in this, put the colander in a bowl to catch the liquid, cover the yogurt, and let it drain until it is as thick as you want, 1/2 hour or more. You can also line a bowl with the cheesecloth, put the yogurt in, draw up the edges of the cheesecloth, tie it up like a money bag, and hang it over the bowl.

For Greek yogurt, check the thickness after 1/2 hour.

For yo-cheese, you will have to let it drain for several hours until the yogurt is very thick, like cream cheese. It will taste very similar to cream cheese, and can be used very effectively in place of cream cheese. Or try mixing in a little garlic and/or onion powder and some herbs. Oh so good! In the Middle East, when they have yo-cheese that is getting a bit old and dry, they roll it into small balls, like a large olive, then put it in some olive oil that has been flavored with garlic and herbs.


This freshens it beautifully. Take the cheese balls out of the oil, drain well, and serve with crackers or veggies.

All yogurt and yo-cheese has to be refrigerated after it is done.

As a thrifty benefit, take all the whey you have drained off of your yogurt and use it to make bread. It makes a delicious, slightly sour loaf. Try toasting it and spreading it with yo-cheese!

Source: A life time of making yogurt.

By Free2B from North Royalton, OH

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29 Questions

Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

March 11, 2013

I have just started making my own yogurt and have been looking at different recipes and was wondering why you put in powdered milk? Does it make it creamier or set better or something else? Thanks.

By Kerry


March 12, 20130 found this helpful

The powdered milk does help it thicken and set better. I use Fage Greek as a starter for mine and warm my milk in the microwave before putting it in my yogurt maker. Cindy

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September 19, 2011

Twice now I have made flavoured yoghurt and it has gone like slimy and one plain didn't set after leaving it all night. Please help.

By Eileen from Qld, Miles


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 216 Posts
September 19, 20110 found this helpful

The only thing I can think of is that you added the flavor when you added the starter culture and before setting it out to thicken. That would interfere with the fermenting process of making the yogurt.


You have to add the flavors after the yogurt is made, and then refrigerate.

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May 8, 2009

Would anyone have a recipe for homemade yogurt made with skim milk powder, Knox plain gelatin, and water? It is then left overnight in an oven that has been preheated to 200 and then turned off.

I used to make it, but lost the recipe so I don't know what quantities I need.

By Katie Genereux from Sault Ste Marie, Ontario, Canada


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 290 Feedbacks
May 8, 20090 found this helpful

To make my homemade yogurt I purchased a yogurt maker from

The first time I made the yogurt it didn't solidify properly and was very runny. But the second time that I made it while mixing it on the stove I added 2 tablespoons of corn starch and it came out perfect.


I make mine from powdered milk.

May 9, 20090 found this helpful

I have made yogurt many times, for many years. It takes 1tablespoon of yogurt, per 1 cup of milk. I would make the powdered milk like the directions say, then use a cup of it per tbsp of yogurt. I use to use gelatin, but I don't anymore. The gelatin boxes have how much to use per cup of liquid & use it like that. I have never put it in the oven.

What I do is, mix & put it in a warm place on my stove, it's gas & has pilot lights. This gives it the warmth it needs... Years ago, I had a small counter between my built in oven & my fridg. I would mix it, cover lightly with plastic wrap & put it closest to the fridg. The warm air coming from the fridg would do it.

It takes about 24hours for my yogurt, I use cream & milk. It is a misconception, that fat makes you fat. It's the carbs that do it & by consuming less fat, it just goes into your blood stream faster, which yor brain & body can't handle, then your pancreas just secretes more insulin & stores that excess glucose as fat. Fat also is the building blocks of all the hormones in your body. So use regular milk & cream, with stevia & xylitol. It will last longer in your body & satisfy better. Fat is the element that your body recognizes & tells it you are satisfied & don't need to eat more & more often.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 153 Feedbacks
May 9, 20090 found this helpful

Greetings to my neighbor to the north! Here's a recipe I've had in my collection for ages but have never used. Maybe it's the one you need?
Plain Yogurt With Gelatin
1 envelope unflavored gelatin
2 tablespoons cold water
1 quart 2% or skim milk
3 tablespoons plain yogurt, room temperature
1/3 cup dry milk powder
In a small cup soften gelatin in cold water about 5 minutes.
Pour one cup milk in a bowl. Add dry milk and stir till dissolved. Rinse a 2-quart saucepan with water. Pour in remaining 3 cups milk, dissolved dry milk and gelatin.
Heat milk gently to 190 degrees F (90-99 degrees C). Remove protein film.
In a small bowl, stir yogurt until creamy. Mix about 1/3 cup milk into yogurt, then add the rest.
Incubate 3-4 hours at 110 degrees. Chill before serving. Makes about 1 quart.
To make flavored yogurt, refrigerate 15 minutes, then fold in fruit flavorings.

May 16, 20090 found this helpful

I tried one of these recipes for homemade yogurt with powdered milk. I love it! Never again will I buy store bought yogurt. There is just no comparison in taste. Homemade is so much better, smoother tasting.

May 18, 20090 found this helpful

Thanks to all who posted their recipes. I had not heard of some of them but I appreciate the time you took to answer. God Bless you all. Katie Genereux Sault Ste Marie Ontario Canada

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May 10, 2003

I have a yogurt maker but have lost the recipe. Does anyone have the plain yogurt recipe they will share with me?

Thank you,


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,023 Feedbacks
May 14, 20030 found this helpful

Homemade Basic Yogurt (Yoghurt)

1 quart whole milk
1/3 cup instant nonfat dry mlk (optional. It produces a thicker texure and increases the protein content by 2 grams per cup.)
1 rounded tablespoon plain yogurt or recommended quantity of powdered culture

Combine and incubate per machine instructions.

See also Homemade Flavored Yogurt instructions and Making Yogurt Without a Yogurt Maker.


5 Minute Frozen Peach Yogurt

1 bag (20 ounces) frozen unsweetened peach slices
1 container (8 ounces) plain lowfat yogurt
1 cup confectioners' sugar
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1/8 teaspoon almond extract

Let frozen peaches stand at room temperature 10 minutes. In food processor with knife blade attached, process peaches until fruit resembles finely shaved ice, occasionally scraping down side with rubber spatula.

With processor running, add yogurt, confectioners' sugar, lemon juice, and almond extract; process until mixture is smooth and creamy, occasionally scraping down side. Serve immediately.

Try it with strawberries, blueberries, or your favorite combination of flavorful frozen fruits.

Yield: 4 cups or 8 servings


May 15, 20030 found this helpful


Homemade Yogurt

It takes a little store-bought yogurt to make a lot more--and once the production line is moving, you need never buy bland yogurt again. This recipe comes from the Middle East, where plain yogurt is a common ingredient in everyday cooking. Once you get used to making your own, you'll find that it can be a handy substitute for sour cream, heavy cream, and cream cheese.

2 quarts whole milk
1 cup plain yogurt
1 cup half and half

Bring milk to a boil in a very clean pot (dirty or greasy utensils won't produce the desired results). Remove from heat and pour into a glass jar or pottery container; let stand until cool.

Dilute yogurt in 1 cup cool milk and the half and half. Gradually add this mixture to the remaining milk, stirring slowly and gently. Place container in a protected spot (it must not be moved or touched). Cover with a lid. Cover container with a large towel or blanket and allow it to sit at least overnight.

To obtain a thick yogurt, place 3 to 4 layers of paper towels over the top for a few hours to absorb the excess liquid. Store yogurt in the refrigerator.
Makes about 9 cups.

By mairmie (Guest Post)
September 10, 20050 found this helpful

I bought a used yogourt maker in great condition...but no instruction booklet. It`s a Braun yogourt maker so I contacted the company and they sent one. Here is the recipe: 1 litre milk (2% or homo gives best results)
1 jar (175ml) plain unflavoured yogourt (with no additives)
1/4 cup skim milk powder

Mix milk & skim milk powder Heat just to boiling point but do not boil(about 180 degrees(will look foamy on top with many small bubbles.Remove from heat immediately .Skim any film.Cool to lukewarm (about 110 degrees) Add yogourt to mixture. Blend well to evenly distribute the yogourt. Pour mixture into jars and place jars in yogourt maker without lids.Place cover on the yogourt maker and plug in. Incubate yogourt for 10 - 12 hours.Cool, cover & refrigerate.

The longer the incubation period;the firmer the yogourt and the more tart it becomes in taste.

I hope this helps you. If not, try to locate the maker of your yogourt maker and ask for a book for your model. Good luck

By Jack40 (Guest Post)
December 4, 20060 found this helpful

hi, i have such recipe
1 qt milk
4 TB commercial plain yogurt
Sugar or honey, to sweeten
1 pt raspberries for serving

There are several yogurt-making devices, but you can easily make it at home in a large thermos bottle using a candy thermometer. Sterilize all equipment in boiling water before using. Bring milk to a boil, then cool to 100 degrees F. In a small bowl blend yogurt with 1/4 cup of warm milk. Whisk it back into warm milk. Pour into a pre-warmed thermos, seal, and set aside in a warm place for 7 hours. Turn yogurt out into a bowl set in a bowl of ice water, stirring to quicken cooling. Cover and refrigerate for 4 hours, or until thickened. Sweeten to taste, if desired, and serve with raspberries.
Yogurt will keep for 4 to 5 days, covered and refrigerated.
Yield: About 1 quar

This recipe is from

By Debbie Klassen (Guest Post)
July 26, 20080 found this helpful

Check out this link.

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June 1, 2016

I am using this recipe: yogurt and milk in a yogurt maker without using sachet, is this safe for children aged around 5 to eat?

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February 24, 2015

Can I make yogurt made with milk on top of 1/4 cup leftover yogurt?

By Cecil from Wellford, SC

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