
Inexpensive Ways to Lose Weight

June 11, 2009

This is more a weight control and health tip than a cooking tip. Although, I am almost 50, my weight is under control without obsession about food and exercising myself to death. I do walk but not to the extreme.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
March 2, 2017

Whenever you feel hungry, drink water first. Thirst often disguises itself as hunger. After you drink, if you are still hungry, you will find that you eat less.

A water bottle on a kitchen counter.


July 26, 2009

Any ideas on how I can lose weight while on a tight budget?

By Tina from Orange County, CA



Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 147 Feedbacks
July 26, 20090 found this helpful

Takes lot of walking to lose wt & don't eat as much as you have been eating,good luck.

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April 22, 2009

I was wondering if someone knew how to drop 10 pounds or more a month. What are the best exercises and food that should be involved. I am very obese and just need help losing this the healthy way. I don't have the money for a gym or Weight Watchers, so home remedies would be the best. Thanks in advance.

Christine from WI


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 398 Posts
January 30, 20090 found this helpful

If you don't want to get hungry ten minutes after you are through eating, make sure that all carbs are served with a protein: cheese, meat, eggs, etc;


This evens out the blood sugar levels and makes you feel full longer...chewing more times with each bite helps too and having a small drink of some beverage before eating makes you feel more satisfied with the meal. :)

January 30, 20090 found this helpful

Here is a link to a detox/weight loss diet. The maple syrup is a little pricey ($6-$8), but it does work. You will feel like you have the flu for a day or so, because it is getting rid of the toxins in your body, but it made me feel better after doing it, and I lost about 3-4 lbs. after doing it for 3 days. Can't hurt any!

By Polly (Guest Post)
January 30, 20091 found this helpful

First, I'm obese as well. WAY overweight. I've been losing weight gradually, and this year I'm only counting on a pound a week. This will be a big help, emotionally, in preventing the "Oh, I give up" phase we all reach. I usually lose more, but that 1 lb. goal comes in handy. One thing I've finally learned is that fresh fruits and veggies, or even canned fruits, are far less expensive than junk food.


Get some of those "green bags" that are advertised on TV, because they really do keep everything fresh much longer. I got mine at a Dollar General and it was 12 bags for $5, and they're completely reusable. When I start craving something sweet, I'll make myself a small salad with regular salad dressing. It takes time to make and time to eat, so you're busy a lot longer than if you scarf down some chips or candy. The dressing satisfies both the sweet and the "fat" cravings, too.

Buy those bags of salad when they're on super sale, like this week they're $0.99 each. I put them right into my green bag and they keep for at least a week!! I also eat a banana, an apple (maybe with a little peanut butter on it), and even V8 juice, especially in the evening when I give in to my cravings more easily. Yes, I also keep some cookies around sometimes, but only eat one or two when I just HAVE to have one! Just so you know how effective this can be,


I've lost 44 pounds, and gone from being a diabetic relying on 4 tests and 6 injections of two kinds of insulin down to 2 tests and ONE injection of ONE kind of insulin a day. My hope is to be insulin free when I've lost the last 50 pounds. Good luck to you, sweetie. It's a long road, but it's really, really worth it!

By velsgal (Guest Post)
January 30, 20091 found this helpful

Hi, I lost 15 lbs over the summer. I started out walking but that feel by the way because of our schedule so I had great success just counting calories. The average person needs to eat about 1250 calories per day and that what I did. I find that it is important to me to eat a good protein filled breakfast. For example 1 slice bacon (80 cal), 1 slice 100% whole grain bread (80cal), 1T all fruit spread (40 cal) and 1 fried egg (75 cal). Make sure you get some protein with each meal/snack.


For example I eat 1 oz of cheese with an apple.

You can eat pretty much all the raw veggies you want to help keep you full feeling. Drink lots of water! I split my 1250 calories into 250 calories 5 times per day. Usually I use more at meals and less at snacks but it keeps me on track. Journal everything you eat! That helps so much. I hope this will help. You can do this! Blessings to you in your journey toward health! :)

January 30, 20090 found this helpful

Cut up bags of carrots, and celery and eat them until you grow rabbit ears. Lots of protein, chicken and egg whites, FRESH fruits and vegetables, if it comes in a box or a package. Don't eat it. Legumes, (beans) are a great source of protein, make bean soups.


You can walk for 20 min a day. That is nothing YOU CAN DO IT! Take a little walk every day. If you make it 10 min fine, just do it! and strengthening exercises are a must, muscle burns fat faster than marathon running (well not really but kinda).
Do 5 squats a day, then do 7, then up to 10 etc. Get some weights and do arm curls. Start with something you can and will do, you will loose the weight. Good luck to you! YOU GO GIRL!

By Lynda (Guest Post)
January 30, 20090 found this helpful

I had the most success in losing weight by: * regular hourly deep breathing exercises, (gets oxygen to the fat cells and helps oxidize them)

* i mixed 1 cap (not cup) of concentrated lime juice into a 14 oz. Cup of ice water, adding two pink packets of "sweet and low" (it won't kill you because you aren't going to overdo it, right? I drank only one glass every other day. I did this for most of my thin adult life and learned it
was one of the secrets that worked also for the long run. It shrinks the stomach size quickly, helps control appetite naturally!)

* I drank a small 10 oz. Bottle of plain unsweetened tropicana grapefruit juice on the two weekend days only. Healthy!
* I ate extra large helpings of leafy greens/yellow/orange frozen or fresh veggies, not potatoes, mac/cheese, or too much corn (now has toxins added and the dna altered, which also increases human growth!

* I took four "refrigerated acidophylus" (milk free bluebonnet brand, 2-3 billion micro-organizms per capsule-at least, and w/ fos) once a day to help keep body acid and any yeast buildup more in check. I still do these things today because it is gentle and works well if kept cool!

* I took/still take dollar general brand multi-vitamins for hair/ skin/ nails, along with 1,200 mg. Of calcium citrate, and extra vitamin d/ flax seed oil/ evening primrose oil/ milk thistle ( a liver cleanse, is easy on the bowels if taken 1,000mg/day. From walmart - a rexall brand)

* I keep lots of ice water in fridge to drink all day, stopped all colas (cause brittle bones) but I drink decaf teas/ coffees, too.

I learned that sugar is addictive, so when I see that I am addicted, I switch to a little more salty foods, even a pickle slice or two, to break the addiction in a day or two.
If I started to swell from too much salt, I stopped, reduced it to almost no salt and began to slowly add sugar back into my healthy diet.

Not being able to afford nor need much meat, I depended and still do, more on boiled eggs, dried beans of every color, limited peanut butter when not being recalled, and small amounts of tuna, canned chicken, chopped bison meatballs once a month/ hamburger meat once a month/ lots of mixed veggie, celery, or Chinese noodle soups (less often), and eat only oat nut bread, avocados, and use only walmart coconut oil - lou ann brand- for cooking on low heat, and for seasoning cooked veggies. I also use sea salt and peppers sparingly.

Occasionally I will have a big baked potato, a large bowl of raisin brand cereal, but I try to avoid all high fructose corn sweeteners now that there has been so much mercury found in 55 % of the many foods that has it.

Also, I have been reading labels and ingredients for about twenty years, knowing that I alone am responsible for learning what is best for my body, the temple of the holy spirit of god, in whom I have strong

I do not drink, smoke, use illegal drugs, or eat/drink anything in excess (always in moderation), try not to sit at the computer or TV with food, eating slower, and paying full attention to what I am eating/drinking. I take vitamin supplements of b-complex.

This regimen seems to work well for me. I hope you will consider it for yourself as well? Check with your doctor before changing or adding anything to your body if you are on any sort of medications.

Be patient, pray and trust god to help you. It wasn't accumulated on our bodies overnight, so it doesn't come off overnight, but slowly, like about 10-20 pounds /month average. But is also a good maintenance program and encourages us to move around more, sleep less, and brings hope to continue. : )

By Lynda (Guest Post)
January 30, 20090 found this helpful

P.S. I drink only almond milk, not commercial cow's milk. And eat organic butter and eggs. All seems to help a lot.

By denise w (Guest Post)
January 30, 20090 found this helpful

I'm obese too. I weight 308 now I started changing my food plan about2 months ago. I gave up on diets years ago and just gained more weight bit I finally made a decision to work on it one day at a time. I eat emotionally which I'm finding out most of my generation did or still does, but for how I'm doing it. I reached out for help just like you, i asked people I knew what they did and I got a group of friends to support me. I also joined online recovery meditations along with calorie counter both are free.

I also cut up my own veggies and buy them from the flea market as they are cheaper there i go about every 2 weeks and it costs 20.00 and feeds 3 of us. I also buy the 300 calorie tv dinners ranging from 99 cents to 500 but i stick with the 3.00 and under. My snacks at 100 cal snacks or fruit and I mix it up. You can remeasure the snacks into baggies. I no longer hit micky ds for a quick bite. I put my fork down between bites and allow myself to swallow before I take my next bite.

Slow steady changes over a period of time after 2 months, I've lost about32 lbs and I'm not hungry all the time. I still have 160lbs to lose. At a rate of about 7lbs a month it will take 2 years but i believe if I take baby steps, I can do it. If you need a buddy write me warnerd5 AT What we cant do alone, we can do together. Good luck


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 180 Feedbacks
January 30, 20090 found this helpful

There's a daily column in our paper by a Dr. Gott. He has a simple diet...I've tried it and it works. No flour, no sugar. That's it. If it has flour or sugar in it you can't eat it. Add 30 minutes of exercise (walking) a day--or 3 10 minute sessions a day if 30 minutes is too hard at first. This isn't going to be a lot of fun, but it will work and you CAN do it. Nothing expensive, no new clothes to buy...just don't eat flour and sugar. To help it along, exercise...10 minutes a day, three times a day isn't much if you think about it, and when you get used to it, try doing it in a 20 or 30 minute stretch.It won't come off like magic, but think of it like carrying around a 5, 10, or 25 pound bag of potatoes (which you can eat. I've been there. You can tell the difference. Good results to you.

January 31, 20090 found this helpful

Go to its a free online diet and fitness site, lots of tips, articles, recipes and support. I have lost 25lbs using this site, its great and you make friends and have fun.

By Linda (Guest Post)
January 31, 20090 found this helpful

I used to be very obese too, altho I am no longer so. Please, there is no safe, non-surgical, permanent way to lose 10 or more pounds in a month. There are lots of healthy ways to lose weight, and none of these include
the pills seen on late nite TV or backs of magazines. The methids abov are great-think water, exercise and protein, and very little if fats. Eat small meals 5-6 times a day and learn to read your body's signal for real hunger vs emotional "wanna eat" out of boredom, frustration, depression, etc.
If there is a way to do these, I'd be glad to me your e-mail pal and coach, if you like. Consider talking to your doc about a safe, no-gimmicks eating plan. And remember, this weight didn't come on in a month-it won't be gone in a month either.

January 31, 20090 found this helpful

Hey all!

I see lots of wonderful hints on here already. I don't have much to add about food and excersize. I do have something terribly important to add about health and weight.

After being exposed to fluoride and perchlorate in our water, I finally figured out why I was tired all the time, my brain was fuzzy, and I couldn't lose weight no matter what I did. My thyroid was toast. You see, the fluoride (no, it's NOT good for you) will stop your thyroid from working correctly, and if your thyroid isn't working, your metabolism will not function correctly. After detoxing and also iodine painting (see for more info) I lost 40 pounds this year. Hope this helps somebody else out there!

By Ashley (Guest Post)
January 31, 20090 found this helpful

There is a lot of information online. Try for a little support. You join or create a group of up to 4 members you can relate to, keep a log of what you eat, and chat with your team members for moral support. Every little bit helps. The site does not promote any one diet or plan.

By Hill8628 (Guest Post)
February 1, 20090 found this helpful

I needed to lose 150 pounds. I still have 80 to go but after researching various diets and learning about eating a healthy diet, I chose to go with the Fat Flush Plan. It is a balanced healthy eating plan and I can be on it the rest of my life to help me maintain my weight.

The main thing is to learn about using spices to help rev up your metabolism and eating foods that are antioxidants to help make our body work better.

I also started getting up during every commercial and walking around. Then I added in going up and down the stairs; adding trips each week. I couldn't sit on an exercise bike due to back issues so my husband built me some bike petals that I can lay on the bed and pedal. I make sure to exercise about 45 minutes after I eat my biggest meal so that I use up any extra nutrients that I have eaten and it isn't stored.

I am losing the weight slowly to give my skin a chance to tighten up the slack----so far so good and I am no longer diabetic nor do I have high blood pressure anymore.

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January 9, 2019

How true is this, that by drinking hot water 3-4 liters per day helps to reduce body weight and fat?

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