
Tips for Gaining Weight

January 18, 2019

I am 42 years old, the mother of 3 and grandmother of 2. I have struggled my whole life trying to gain weight. It doesn't matter what I do or eat it doesn't help. I know I would have more energy, feel better about myself, and look better. I am 5'6" and weigh 105 lbs.


Any advice is appreciated. Thank you.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
January 19, 20190 found this helpful

They have drinks like Ensure and Boost. Drink that along with a sandwich and you will get extra calories


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
January 19, 20190 found this helpful

Have you spoken to your doctor? It is important to rule out health issues first before starting on any diet (especially one to gain weight). It is possible there is an underlying and super easy to treat thing going on like your thyroid is malfunctioning or there is some other health challenge causing food not to be absorbed correctly.


It is really important have this checked into even if you have always been thin. If you get a clean bill of health (which I pray you do), THEN your doctor can recommend the best things to do to increase your weight without doing things like increasing your blood pressure or cholesterol or adding too much sugar to your diet.

Wishing you all the best in your quest!! Post back with an update! Take care!

January 19, 20190 found this helpful

Definitely check with your doctor, as others here have said.

I've never had that problem, but my brother used to. He'd fill up a big glass with ice cream and pour Coke or Dr Pepper over that and drink it right before bed to keep from losing weight.


That was years ago and he no longer has that problem. One day, at a Sunday lunch, his tall, very slender wife told him: "Someday you're gonna get fat and I'm gonna laugh."

I told them, "Someday you're both gonna get fat and then I'm gonna laugh!"


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 107 Posts
January 20, 20190 found this helpful

please rule out a thyroid problem; that's the main indication of inability to gain weight

as well, do you have an appetite or is that your problem, that you just don't eat enough? or is instead that you eat too much and still don't gain weight?

increasing your fat intake is a pretty easy way to add calories to your food. This can be through oils, butter, etc.

as well, increase grain consumption, breads, carbs, rice, etc. The body runs well on these and it may help regulate your digestive system

January 22, 20190 found this helpful


I would invest in a weight-gaining powder. You can find these in stores and online. You can make milkshakes out of them with ice-cream and put the powder in your coffee. They come in great flavors too!



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March 14, 2010

I am very slim; I want to gain weight. I would appreciate any suggestions. Thanks.



Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 107 Feedbacks
March 14, 20100 found this helpful

Age is the most likely cure; my husband and children were all slender until about 40, now they are less slender, but not fat. Are there any digestion problems?

The one thing I have noticed universally is how buffed and filled out people look after military boot camp. That is accomplished by very hard physical training. At home I would recommend short repetitions with fairly heavy weights (not many repetitions with light weights), and large, varied, hearty meals. I once did something similar at 23 and not only did I become very shapely in about 6 weeks (my breasts stopped sagging and went back to their youthful form for years afterward), but I lost 10 pounds, eating like a horse.


I think what happens is weight normalizes when the body is stressed but fed very well; if you need to gain weight you will, if you need to lose weight you will.

So I recommend walking 1-2 miles per day, in a reasonably energetic way, working out with fairly heavy weights of any kind (cans of food will work just fine, or gallons of water with lids on) and lots of good plain food. By weight training I mean 10-20 of whatever you do, not more. And you don't have to do weight training every day, or if you do, do your top body one day, bottom the next.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 107 Feedbacks
March 14, 20100 found this helpful

I forgot to say what I mean by good plain food; I do not mean potato chips, candy, junk food stuff. For some reason I think that will make people obese but not a healthy weight.


I mean meat, starch, veggies or casserole, or whatever you like by way of main meal; it can be casserole, a real burrito, stew, soup and bread, just ordinary food. If you want something sweet, make it homemade cookies or cake without all the chemical stuff in manufactured snacks. Breakfast can be french toast, toast and eggs, hot cereal, whatever is customary in your area, but sweet cereals are like junk food; better to eat oatmeal and put sugar on it.

It helps if you know how to cook from scratch. I know a lot of people don't. But there is food out there close to homemade, and that will do.

March 14, 20100 found this helpful

Eating before bedtime is a way to gain some weight.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 109 Feedbacks
March 14, 20100 found this helpful

It has been a while but I think a friend of mine was drinking protein drinks to put on healthy weight. Go to a health food store and ask or just look around. My friend was a body builder (this was oh, 20 years ago) but maybe you can find some guys (body builders) in your area and get some advise.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 186 Feedbacks
March 15, 20100 found this helpful

I have a 23 year old grandson who is 6'8" and has about a 34 inch waist, and I don't think there is a real solution other than let mother nature take its course. My grandson eats like a horse, 24/7, and he is just really hard to find proper fitting, affordable clothes for.

March 18, 20100 found this helpful

I only know one person who has ever had this problem; but I do know how it was solved. Please remember this may not be for you but it did work for her. The doctor she went to told her to drink a half can of beer before she ate dinner each evening. It worked for her so good luck.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 846 Posts
March 18, 20100 found this helpful

What is your weight, height, what size are your bones and how old are you?

Most of my adult life I was slender until I became disabled last year. Weighed 98 to 100, 5'5" but have really small bones. Even during the years I lifted weights and weighed 118 (because of the 90% muscle mass) I still appeared too skinny but was totally and completely healthy!

Please just be happy with 'you' and be thankful that you have a metabolism where you don't have to struggle with losing weight as so many, many people do :-( As long as you're living a healthy lifestyle just leave it be.

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June 16, 2016

My daughter had a baby 5 months ago and isn't gaining weight. Yeah I know, most women wish they had this problem. She's been breastfeeding and is just too skinny.

She's hungry all the time and her milk supply is low. Any suggestions?


Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 220 Answers
June 17, 20161 found this helpful

If your daughter has not consulted her doctor regarding her weight problem, please encourage her to do so. There are very effective medically supervised weight management programs that can help.

June 17, 20161 found this helpful

Are you sure your daughter is telling you the whole story? Is she eating all the time and just not gaining, or does she complain of hunger but doesn't eat?

If she's really eating but not gaining I'd say it was a physical problem- unless she has bulimia. That would be more of a mental health problem.

About the weight thing, though- you say it's five months after the birth, so I can't tell if you're trying to say that she didn't gain enough weight during the pregnancy. That also seems to point to an eating disorder. There's also the fact that women don't need to be a particular weight to produce breast milk, as long as she is taking in enough nutrition and calories. Drinking meal replacement shakes like Ensure, for instance, as well as eating ought to solve the problem. If simple fixes like this aren't working, something more serious is probably happening.

I think you need to ask your daughter point blank if she is deliberately trying to stay skinny. I may be on the wrong track, but for the sake of the baby's health and her own, it's worth finding out for sure. Either way, a visit to a doctor is definitely in order.

June 24, 20161 found this helpful

We have been given false information for years from the medical world that gives the physicians only half an hour of nutrition and it is false information.
We need fat in our diets! Fat feeds our brains and her baby is probably wiping out her fat so it can grow properly. Fat soluable vitamins like D, K, E, A are in fat! Chicken skin, olive oil, avocados, etc. are so good for us. We need fat to make our hormones, too.

August 15, 20160 found this helpful

Thank you, I so agree about physicians and false information. I'll give her your advice.

August 15, 20160 found this helpful

Yes I'm sure she is eating all the time because we eat together almost every night. She's always hungry and eating.
She also doesn't get much breast milk for the baby. So I'm thinking she needs more fatty foods.

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