
House Training a Dog

August 18, 2009

If you have a pet that still has accidents in the house, limit it's water by putting ice cubes in their water bowl after 6:00pm, so they don't feel they have to go to the bathroom every second. It works with my dog.


Source: TV show, The Dog or Me

By Meghan O. from Pittsburgh, PA

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October 12, 2012

Has anyone considered taking the dog outside in the backyard or on a lead every two or three hours in the street/park? Also make 4 pm their last meal of the day.


November 30, 2014

Put a leash on the dog and it goes everywhere you do in the house. Be sure to feed it once daily only and monitor when it drinks. Be sure to get it outside before an hour has passed. Because the dog is constantly with you it may or may not try to use the carpet, but a sharp yank on the leash will give the dog a clear message that it's not supposed to do that.


When you take the dog outside allow it to run and play with it. The movement will stimulate it to relieve itself outside.


21 Questions

Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

January 31, 2008

We just got a one year old cocker spaniel that is very well trained. It seems that he has been trained to go to the bathroom on grass. Unfortunately we do not have any grass in our backyard because of the pool, BBQ bar, and patio area. We are trying to get him to go on our side yard which is cement.

We take him over there often but he just looks at us and won't go. He will hold it until we take him on a walk to the park. We have tried a spray called Wee Wee which is supposed to have a scent that will encourage him to go. He just sniffs and won't go. Any suggestions on how to get him to go in his new environment? We don't want him to get sick from holding it to long, and we can't take him on a walk every time he needs to go.


January 31, 20080 found this helpful

We bought some very inexpensive mats (like welcome mats, but much thinner and cheaper) and our dog (who also likes to feel the grass between her toes) uses them. Rinse with a diluted bleach solution (and dry thoroughly) every other day.

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June 29, 2006

I have an 8 month old cockapoo and she is driving me nuts. I think she might have bladder problems or something. I take her outside to go pee and poop but she does not go and I wait out there for 10 minutes. Then we go inside and about 15 minutes she goes pee on the rug or poop. I scold her only if I see her do it or she just finishes. I always know when she did it because she always goes running into her crate as soon as she does. She knows it is bad but I just don't get it.

I might have some ideas of why she might be having these problems. I have a male in my house, too. She might have bladder problems. She was just spayed 2 months ago and her stitches are gone. Do all female cockapoos just have problems?

Melissa from Huntingtown, MD


July 2, 20060 found this helpful

Hi Melissa, I sure do envy you having a cockapoo. We use to have one but someone stole her. We had trouble potty traing her too. One day when she was 4 months old she did it on the carpet and my husband threw her out the door. She was on a chain. We left her out all day. I bet when we brought her in she never did it again in the house. We had her for 10 years. We still miss her and that was 14 years ago that someone stole her. It may seem kind of cruel, but it did work. Good luck and enjoy her! JoJo

By Jennifer (Guest Post)
July 18, 20060 found this helpful

I have a cockapoo as well. She is the sweetest thing ever but I am ready to lose my mind with this peeing thing. There is not one day that goes by that I do not have to clean up pee!! I come home from work and she will have pee in her crate - even being in it for only 4 hours!


She is almost a year old and just recently went pee on my bed! Not to mention my couch as well. I love her but can't stand this. I had a vet check her to make sure everything is ok. Everything came back fine. The vet said it could be a behavioral problem.

By Pam (Guest Post)
December 3, 20060 found this helpful

I too have a Cockapoo. And we had trouble housbreaking him as well. I agree with your vet Melissa. We tried EVERYTHING! We had a trainer come to the house to work with training "US" on how to train the dog, because the dog had also started getting a little snippy ... the bathroom habits also stopped. It's a control thing on the dog's part. They need to learn to respect their people. Just simple commands such as sit, stay, come, down ... leash training, heal, etc. ... these work WONDERS ... and MUST be enforced regularly.

By (Guest Post)
February 8, 20070 found this helpful

OH GOOD I'M NOT ALONE!!! man i thought i was a bad owner cuz no matter what i'm doing, my 8-month old cockapoo maltese is resisting every step of the way. we've put down puppy pads, but that's just because Ralph (our cockapoo maltese) has trained US in letting US know he only goes in a certain spot. he's trained US to put the pads where HE chooses to go.


preferably, obviously, i want him to go outside, but living in a complex with an open yard plan and tons of kids running around everywhere, his attention sadly is not where it should be the second we open the door to try and take him out. no fenced in yard, he's forced to be an indoor dog (until we move). i'm pulling my hair out going nuts.

We plan to move within the year to a place with a fenced-in yard, so he'll become an outdoor dog, but in the meantime..... aaarrrrrggggghhhhh!!!

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September 8, 2007

I had a Min Pin that I had house trained, and he was outside and somebody ran over him a couple days ago (I am 23 and cried like a baby). My 2 year old was super attached to the little guy so I got another one and the people that I got him from had done nothing to try to house train him. He is 1 year old, any tips or ideas on how to get him at least started house training? I wasn't sure if crate training would work with him already being a year old. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Teresa from Ohio

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January 16, 2013

Pom on patio.I have a 18 month old Pom and I almost had him toilet trained, but I have moved like 4 times in the last 2 years since I got him. I got him when he was 6 weeks old, and far as I'm concerned it was a rough time as well where he was living when he was born.

I try everything with him, he stays outside most of the time now coz when he is inside he wonders off an goes and pees on mine or my mum's bed. It is so frustrating because I would have just washed the sheets too. I just don't know what to do. We wanna train him to stay outside unless we say he can come in and we wanna do that with the door open, but he just comes in and pees.


He used to sleep inside on my bed, but then he just got lazy and would pee on it so from now on he has been an outside dog. He does not liked to be tired up or locked in a small area coz he just barks.

What can I do to fix it? I'm getting into trouble for him doing it when in the first place I didn't know how to toilet train him anyway because no one would help me.

By Shay

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July 13, 2007

About a month ago, I adopted two 1 year old poms, one male and the other female. They were not housetrained and left outside all the time. Neither of them were altered. We have just had that procedure done for each. I understand that because the male was not neutered before he was six months old that we may have a tough time in housetraining him especially with him cocking his leg. Does anyone know how long it may take to housetrain (especially for the male)? Any help with this would be appreciated. Thanks!

Kathy from VA


July 13, 20070 found this helpful

My husband bought me a dog that had lived for the first 4 years of her life in a basement kennel. She had never even been outside as the vet came to their house for shots and stuff.

She didnt have a clue about house training or even playing, the poor little mite.

I just spent the first two weeks watching her like a hawk. She is a pretty tiny dog and didnt really understand the "come" command at the time so I would pick her up and take her outside. Gently of course.

She had the run of the whole house and slept on the bed with us. When she had to go potty she would start fussing and yes, I did go outside at any hour. Still do sometimes.

If and when she went potty I would praise her to high heaven and love her up like I hadnt seen her in a month.

Honestly, it shouldnt take you more than 2 weeks, just be sure to clean the spots he has soiled in the house for smell. An enzymatic cleaner works quite well.

Crate training might be fine if you actually know what youre doing, a book or a video just isnt enough training.

It's easier to teach a dog to go potty outside than it is to teach some people how harmful crate training is.

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June 6, 2007

What is the fastest and easiest way to housetrain a Sheltie? I am using a crate right now but how long should he stay in or out of the crate at a time?

Nelwyn from Bunkie, LA


By denise (Guest Post)
June 9, 20070 found this helpful

hi i have several dogs and some of the things i was told by the vet that have worked are. get the dog on a feeding schudule remove there food at say 6 pm and dont give them anything to drink uless you have the time to bring them out within 20 minutes of drinking water and last but not least is give them a treat when they go outside. hope this helps denise

By Suzanne (Guest Post)
June 15, 20070 found this helpful

I'm not a fan of crates, although some swear by them. Eh. Anyway, no dog should be left inside them for much longer than 4-6 hours.

Instead what I do with our Male rat terrier (who tends to take "liberties" when we're away) is to:

drill/screw an eye-hole bolt into the base or side of a kitchen cabinet and use a carabiner--connected to one end of a dog leash--to fasten the leash to the bolt. Then hook the leash to the dog's collar to sequester it. That way, it has some freedom to get up, move around easier and stretch. We put Cosmo's dog bed there for him to lay down on, and he's pretty content with this set up.

June 26, 20070 found this helpful

Crates are so misused by misguided pet owners. Pets should only be in the cage to sleep at night if it's a destructive or unruly pet or in the cage when you leave the house for a very short time.

Some owners leave their pets in crates while they go to work all day which makes the pet wild when it finally gets out, especially if it's a large breed. I know a person who keeps a large breed dog in a crate all day and all night, only letting it out a couple hours a day. The dog has a broken spirit and is depressed, not at all true to it's breed. It also has serious arthritis problems at a very young age. I have four dogs in my home and I don't keep any of them in crates. They sleep all night and cause no problem when I go out for a while. I just put them in the family room with the doggy door so they can go in and out.
If a dog gets food and water and plenty of exercise, there is rarely a behavior problem. It is usually the owner and not the dog with the problem.

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July 26, 2018

So my dogs won't go outside unless I tell them to. They have a doggy door to use, they're not scared of it either, they just won't go outside to potty. We've tried everything. Spanking sometimes works. We kept them away from the living room, kept them outside for the day when it wasn't too hot out, and keeping them in the kitchen (where the doggy door is located).

I would hate for my dogs be outside dogs, but they might as well be. Is there anything I can do to fix this? It's so bad that it is stinking up my house because of them.

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May 15, 2017

I just adopted Toby on Wednesday, and he wii not potty outside. Everytime I take him out he is shaking and scared and hovers in a corner. What can I do to make him go outside?

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