
Homemade Dog Food Recipes

May 26, 2015

Pots and bowls with ingredients.I just wanted to share a recipe that I use for my five month old Shih Tzu puppies, Cooper and Bentley.

In a large crock pot, I use a whole natural chicken along with beef stew meat, chicken livers and chicken gizzards with added water and olive oil. That cooks about 8 hours.


Then in a stock pot, I boil 3 large yellow squash, 3 large zucchini, and 3 large sweet potatoes. I use fresh carrots and green beans with peas added, I also use 9 boiled eggs. Then on hand, I have a can of all natural pumpkin to add to this. I use 6 cups brown or white rice. I debone the chicken, you don't want splinters in their food. After all is cooked, keep in mind that I don't throw away the broth from the meat. We don't want the food to be dry.

It all cools for a bit, then I use my food processor and blend it all together. I don't make it too soft, but it is blended quite well. After that, I add the rice and pumpkin, mix it really good with my hands, put it into containers and freeze. They also get their multi-vitamins.

Since they have been on this diet, they are extremely happy and very healthy puppies. I consulted with my vet and she loves this diet. I'm not sure if you have picky eaters, but I have found my dogs to be very picky. I was spending a small fortune to find a healthy food in the stores and they would lose interest so fast. I enjoy watching them go crazy while their food is cooking. The best is watching them gobble it down. I hope you enjoy.


Total Time: 1 1/2 hours to complete

Two dogs waiting for food.
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June 9, 2008

I have heard that it is not good for Yorkies to eat homemade dog food, made with meat and veggies? Aren't they better for the dog than most dog food? Considering how they make dog food and what they put in it. What is right? Can you please tell me.



June 9, 20080 found this helpful
Best Answer

I have not heard of any homemade dog food that is breed specific. We have had amazing results with our diabetic basset since switching her to homemade cooked food. Last week, we were running late and I had some commercial food that someone had given me for one of our rescue bassets. I gave our girls a cup full of the commercial and her blood sugars skyrocketed. We had to give her double the insulin. We returned to the homemade cooked food and her blood sugars are normal again with half the insulin injects needed.


You must be careful with anything containing garlic, onions of any form, avocadoes, raisins, dates, coffee, tea, etc. I found out that even when using tomato paste or tomato sauce, you must check the label. Some brands have pure tomato puree while others add garlic, onions and preservatives.

About 2 months ago, I was making them turkey meatballs and I grabs the canister of bread crumbs from my pantry. Keep in mind that these are the same bread crumbs that my family eats. I happen to start reading the label and it was loaded with preservatives and even corn syrup. Why? Its bread crumbs. I started making my own bread crumbs for everyone. Now I have noticed that I look at ingredient labels more when shopping.

If you need some easy and quick, but very nutritional recipes - just let me know. I would love to share what I have learned over the past 2.5 years.


Picture is of our 2 bassets and son on vacation in a hotel room. They don't get to be on the bed at they were treated like queens on vacation.

June 9, 20080 found this helpful
Best Answer

My dog has bad skin allergies so I thought I would switch to my home-made food. I found what seemed like a good healthy recipe, it was potatoes, carrots and ground turkey, I forget the proportions of vegeys to meat, but she contracted a bladder infection soon after starting the new diet, my vet said she was getting the wrong proportion of protein to carb and that caused the infection. My poor dog has been on cortisone for 3plus years now, I finally took her off, feed her "Eagle Pack" holistic select anchovy,sardine and sweet potato formula dry dog food, also I give her Benedryl twice daily, she hardly ever scratches now and her coat has grown back beautifully, I highly recommend this for those who have bad skin allergies, cuz that cortisone is bad news for the long term.

By junebug_000 (Guest Post)
June 10, 20080 found this helpful
Best Answer

Just make sure they get the correct vitamins and nutrients they need and not too much fat. It can be difficult to get a balanced diet from a homemade diet if you don't know much about nutrition.


Store bought dog foods are balanced for what a dog needs. Just remember about all the food recalls on human foods too. Just because you make your dog food doesn't make your dog safe :)

January 6, 20090 found this helpful
Best Answer

My little Westie, Nik, got a bad reaction from the contaminated dog food scare last year. I have now switched him over to mostly homecooked food like chicken , fresh veggies, some brown rice, sweet potatoes, as well as some vitamin suppliments. I still give him some organic kibble but have found that he is doing better on what I make. HTH

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September 11, 2020

I make my dogs food at home, the recipe calls for 2 1/2 lbs of dry, tiny, whole wheat macaroni. To replace it with white rice how many cups of dry rice I need?

The recipe makes 13lbs of dog food


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
September 11, 20200 found this helpful
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I know you love your dog and you make his own dog food for him to eat. But adding uncooked rice to the dog food is not a good idea at all. Any vet will tell you the truth if you want to feed the dog rice, which I do myself all the time, it has to be cooked. You can't just give the dog dry uncooked rice in his dog food.


It has been years and years since they outlawed throwing rice at a wedding because it was killing birds. If you can't feed birds dry rice then it is the same with your dog. Before you decide to add the rice to the dog food instead of the pasta you are using right now I would consult your vet first. This is not a good idea for me and I have been feeding rice to my dogs for over 20 years now. Plus on top of this, I always cook my pasta before I feed it to my dogs. I have never given my dogs uncooked pasta to eat. I know uncooked pasta isn't bad because when we were kids in school and they gave us a project with pasta to make most of us ate it. Please before you feed your dog uncooked rice ask your vet. This isn't good for him at all.

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August 31, 2016

We were feeding our, now 10 month old, Golden, Diamond puppy formula labeled as Tractor Supply brand. He liked it, but it effected his behavior - made him psycho, running around like a maniac 15 minutes after he ate, and he scratched himself constantly. At night he chewed raw hot spots on his back end, and licked the hair off his forelegs and back paws till he broke the skin. His BMs were loose, he had control problems causing accidents in the house, and we saw blood in his stools from time to time.

I called the 800# and spoke with a Diamond rep. They said he was just being a puppy and was probably eating things he shouldn't that caused the blood in the stools. I searched the Inet for reviews and saw the high numbers of people that had the same symptoms, and some much worse with their dogs - such as hair actually coming out in chunks, and bloody stools every time, and as they all did, I took him off the food. He grew fast and gained weight on the dry food, but the negative effects were worrying.
BTW, that same company makes Costco brand, with exact same problems sited in their reviews.

I'm now cooking him chicken, we get a 10 pound bag of leg quarters at the grocery for $ .79 a pound. I boil it, pull out all the bones, add oatmeal, rice, and blendered (I know, I just made that word up, it doesn't exist) mixed veggies (because they just pass through whole if I don't). I make servings for him: 1/3 cup of clean, no skin, chicken, same amount of cooked brown rice, two heaped Tbsp. of oatmeal, and 1/3 cup of the soupy veggies and the same of the chicken broth. I'm feeding him the same volume 4 times a day that the dry dog food called for, with the added moisture. All the negative symptoms of the Diamond puppy formula are gone. He loves his new food, BMs are normal, he loves his walks and is much more obedient. He is not acting all hyper and totally out of control. There is no more excessive scratching and chewing with hot spots, and he now has hairy legs and paws again. I also noticed he doesn't drink as much water as he did on the dry food. He was constantly taking many long drinks before. We were constantly refilling his water, and he wanted out every half hour to empty his bladder - 24 hours a day!

All the negatives are gone, and he is a "normal" bright, attentive, active puppy. But, he has lost weight, and his hair doesn't have that glossy sheen anymore. He's not bony, just not filled out like he was on the dry food. I tried adding 1/4 cup of the dry food we still have half a bag of, because I thought there might be nutrients in it that he might need, but I'm not sure that's a good thing.

Am I doing something wrong, or do I just need to add some kind of additional nutrient to help him maintain his weight, or is his increased exercise of 2 or three walks plus play time with tug-o-war and fetch daily keeping him trim? He loves sweet potatoes and all kinds of fruit, especially bananas, but those things are not a part of his daily meals, instead they are more like treats. Should I give him maybe the same recipe with canned Alaskan salmon a couple times a week?

He's my fifth dog. I never had these kinds of symptoms with any of the others, and he is such a good, loving boy that also loves his new food. I just want to make sure I'm not hurting him in the end. He gets regular vet care, he's on a health plan through that Smart Place, and he gets his regular exams and treatment for heart worm prevention, etc. He was just under 80 pounds at nine months in the picture, a multiple person lap dog taking up more than half the couch, much bigger than the little guy he started out as. He is now down in the low 70s after a month on his new diet.
Advice will be appreciated.

A small puppy in a lap.
A dog lying on a couch.


Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 220 Answers
September 1, 20160 found this helpful
Best Answer

Losing so much weight! Dogs eat many of the same foods as humans, however, they have specific requirements that are different than required human nutrients. Your dog may not be getting enough of or the correct type of nutrients he needs. If you plan to continue making meals, please check with your vet ASAP regarding exactly what and how much you must include to meet the requirements for puppy to adult growth.

September 1, 20161 found this helpful
Best Answer

Sounds like you've got him on a healthy diet now.

First of all, most dogs you are seeing and comparing him to are overweight, if you live in the US. Use this chart to figure out if your puppy is actually underweight or just slim.

10 month Goldens vary quite a bit in weight, since the adult dogs vary in size so much. If your puppy is doing as much exercise as you say he is burning calories and gaining muscle mass. So you may need to feed more.
Keep in mind that the food you are feeding has more water, therefore less actual food. The kibble you were feeding before had less water. So you may need to feed more to make up for the percentage that is water. I'd suggest not feeding any more of the food that was making him sick, though. He is obviously allergic to an ingredient in it.

You can also try a non-allergenic, soy-free, grain-free food to supplement his diet.

Answer this Question

February 14, 2008

Is Guar gum safe for dogs? I've been thinking about using it in some dog recipes.
Does anyone know anything about this ingredient?


Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 66 Requests
February 14, 20080 found this helpful
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Guar gum is classified as:GRAS(generally recognized as safe). It's a common ingredient in dog food.

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April 30, 2016

I'm very limited on money right now. I have three dogs to feed. I can't afford dog food right now.

I have tons of oatmeal, stuffing, rice, and ground beef. Can I mix all these together to feed my dogs?

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June 29, 2012

Please assist me with a homemade vegetarian recipe for dog food to feed my 2 month old German Shepherd.

By Ash

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March 12, 2011

My mini Schnauzer had to have a kidney stone removed. My vet recommended "Hills Prescription diet C/D. She hates this food, plus we have 4 more mini Schnauzers that we would like to feed the same thing. I am thinking about cooking for them. I need simple recipes that would be good for her and also healthy for the rest of my babies. Also do I need supplements to add to this?

By Schnauzers r us from McKee, KY


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 267 Posts
November 1, 20070 found this helpful

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

you can find hundreds of recipes on line by typing in dog food recipes, one is It gives you a fairly long list for dogs and cats.

By Marty

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Simmer a large (family pack) of chicken thighs with just enough water to cover. Cool. Remove chicken and clean meat off the bones. Save stock and chill.
Chop chicken in food processor and set aside.
Next day: Remove fat from broth. Use broth to cook 5 cups brown rice. While rice cooks - pulse frozen green beans, raw carrots,broccoli stems and place in large bowl with chicken. Add cooled rice and 1 cup of wheat germ at this point. Form into hard ball size ball. Place on cookie sheet and cover with plastic wrap and freeze. Bag them the next day. This recipe will make two cookie sheets full. I serve one for breakfast (microwave till warm) and then a little kibble in the evening. I have been feeding this way for 3 years and my dog is lean and healthy and he sure loves his rice balls! He's waiting by the fridge when I get up.

By annie

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

I have never bought wet food for my dog because of the cost. I buy liver fry it up,chop it or ground it up , mix in brown rice, grated carrots, oil ( veg,olive or flax) they will love it. It's cheaper than the wet stuff and much healthier. Any meat can be used of course I just find liver most cost effective.

By valerie

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Here's a page with Cat and Dog Food Recipes:

By SL Edens

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Without going into boring details, we accumulated many frozen turkeys in our deep freeze. When I realized just how many and how long they had been in my freezer I was shocked. I could not be wasteful and just throw them away so I decided to make dog food! I did a little research and what I learned was that a mixture of 1/3 protein (meat), 1/3 starch (rice, potatoes, pasta) and 1/3 vegetable was an acceptable mixture...maybe go a little heavier on the protein and less on the starch. I thawed and cooked two of the turkeys. I pulled all the meat off the bones and shredded/diced it and discarded the bones. I measured how much meat I had (in cups) and then cooked enough cheap rice (Dollar store-Aldi's) to equal the amount of meat I had.

Rice usually doubles in quantity when cooked so if you need 4 cups cooked use 2 cups uncooked. I cooked the rice in the leftover broth from cooking the turkeys. Cooked carrots was suggested as a good choice for the vegetable so I bought the needed amount at the cheapest price I could find at Aldi's. I mixed these three ingredients up well and put portions in cheap storage bags, mashed them flat and froze them. This made a huge quantity, at least a 5 gallon bucket full, so I shared this treat with our dog, our son-in-law's dogs and a friend's dog also. They absolutely loved it! I did not add anything else no salt, no garlic, no onion etc. I feel good about the whole process. I did not waste any of the meat and the dogs got the benefit of some pure good food, no additives or preservatives. I have more turkeys to cook! Next time I will cook ONE!

The large quantity was difficult in my small kitchen. I also plan to cook up other "lost" meat packages that have ended up at the bottom of my freezer and use them up the same way. The dogs don't notice the slight "off" or "freezer burn" flavor we humans get picky about.

By Marge Mayhew

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

For grandma margie: Thank you so much for your reply re recipe. My recipe for my yorkie is almost the same as yours. I use 2 pounds of medium ground meat and add a bag of frozen vegetables, with a little garlic, and then alternate with chicken sometimes. She seems to be tired and finicky with the food now, and was wondering if there are any other recipes you can offer. She has a yeast allergy therefore cannot use any rice in her food, or any type of wheat.

By gloria

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Are there any balanced dry food recipes for dogs and cats other than for making treats?


RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Caution when making pet food.(b) Onions and Garlic are poisonous to dogs and cats(/b)

Here is a great list, read at the bottom of the website for other toxins as well

So is Broccolli, grapes, raisins, coffee grounds ETC...

By Cara

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

My yorkie seems to be burping a lot, and I was told that because I am giving her broccoli and brussel spouts this is very gassy. Can anyone offer a recipe that can be made like a soup with fish and other vegetables. She also seems to be very bloated and my recipe that I am giving her now is ground meat with frozen vegetables including the ones that I mentioned above. Please if anyone out there can help me I would most indebted. Thank you

By gloria

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

1lb ground beef (antibiotic &hormone free)
2 cups cooked organic brown rice
1 bag organic mixed vegetables
1-2 lb container of organic yogurt.(I use Vanilla)

From a breeder I got this recipe. Ground beef that is antibiotic and hormone free. So the poor dog doesn't get the bloating and gas that we get. Also this recipe calls for raw burger. That is not safe from regular burger from the grocery store, unless it is organic! Look at health food store. Organic vegetable blend like for stir fry put in a food processor. Cook some organic brown rice. Then you combine all ingredients and mix thoroughly! You can freeze it in small containers thawing only as you need it. For small dogs this recipe lasts about 2 weeks. Pets and people have the same symptoms food allergies and other problems due to all the antibiotics in our food. It is sick. I complain to everyone who will listen. FDA and even food companies! Hope it works out for you. You can call a breeder for recipes any time. I did and they were very nice about it. Gave me a safe way to get rid of fleas, ticks, and mosquitos! Listerine and water mixed sprayed on your pet illiminates the use of heartworm pills as I was told they do more liver damage than good.

By LisaBee

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

i use frozen chicken that was boiled (cooked), and mix it with rice and chicken broth. They love it so much. With this my dogs lost weight and are healther. It also turned my one dogs life when he is 14 and he didnt what to anything, and had problems, and now he is acting like he is a puppy.

By amanda

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes


By joyce

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

I think the 1/3 protien, 1/3 veggies and 1/3 carbs is a fairly good formula. I Have 5 50lbs. plus dogs, all strays, whom I love dearly and since this food recall I have been at a loss as to what to do other than make our own dog food. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I lost my cat to this disaster and I have 1 of my pups undergoing kidney treatment.

By Sheree Halliburton

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

For Sherri Haliburton: If you look down the page of the feedbacks, you will notice that I posted my recipe for my yorkie. I buy 2lbs of medium ground meat, add a bag of frozen vegtables, without broccoli or brussel sprouts, cover with water, add some garlic, let it all cook together for about one and a half hour. Then portion out the amount to feed your dog and put in baggies in the freezer. Use as you need and microwave for the day. Very healthy and their bowel movements are really good with this recipe. Good luck with your animals and I hope they pull through fine. So sorry for your loss.
Let me know if you need further assistance with this.

By gloria

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

For Joyce:
I noticed your recipe for your yorkie. How much does she weigh and what is the amount of either of the meat that you cook and for how long. I think that the sweet potato gives gas, I am not quite sure. But what does the oatmeal do for them. I never heard of this to cook. My dog has a yeast allergy, do you think the brown rice is good for her.
Appreciate your answer.

By gloria

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

What is considered protein and what is considered carbs for dogs. Pls let me know

By gloria

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

I have tried several of your receipes for my 14 year old cocker who now in the last few months is also very sick with kidney disease. I would like to share
a treat that we have found that she loves

1 cup of oatmeal
1/2 cup of low sodium chicken broth
1 sweet potato (cooked and mashed)
1/2 cup of wheat flour

use teaspoon and drop mixture unto cookie sheet
bake at 325 for 10-15 minutes

By Debbie

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes


By butterflf kisses

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

All of this has scared our family, but I've have cooked for allergies for years so I took out my slow cooker and some organic meats to save my 6 month old puppy. I'm less concerned about the meat I can buy in the butcher shop than what is in the can we have been using.

I used carrots, brown rice and rolled oats for the base. I stirred about 1 cup of each together and then I stirred in a pound of ground chicken, 2 pounds stew beef and 1/2 pound of ground pork. Stir it all together and allow it to cook on low for about 4 hours. The juices from the meat will cook the rice and oats. Then I pureed the mix for my dog (she's small) but you can cut them small or decide for yourself.
This made about 50 servings!
She used to pick at her food, now she cleans the bowl and asks for more.

I watched for digestive track changes and she has been better if anything!

By Ange

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

I have a 7 yr old Jack Russell who was diagnosed with numerous food and plant allergies as a puppy. We have been making all her treats as well as food. We boil 10 lbs of chicken with a few carrots and cloves of garlic. De bone the chicken cut up carrots and use some of the broth to cook 1 cup of brown rice, mix together and put into freezer containers. We were told by the vet that green veggies cause gas, and that rice has alot of protien and some dogs are allergic to the protien in rice. Her treats are bacon and garlic bones with whole wheat flour. We also make her salmon brownies and the cat loves these as well. If interested you can email me for the recipies.

By Debby Taylor

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Hi, I have 3 medium size dogs. I am looking for a DRY dog food recipe. I have found plenty of recipe's for dry treats, but not dry food. I need something that I can produce in large quantities and store in bins. I would GREATLY appreciate any information on this. Thank you.

By Natasha

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Can Someone Email Some Recipes for a 2 year old pit bull who is very active and very skinny. Very concerned Mom


RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Hi Peggy, I just read on another page that garlic and broccoli are toxic to dogs

By Laura

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

I've given all my dogs garlic tablets for years. It keeps fleas and ticks from them and they have never had any problems.

I boil a pack of calf liver and a bag of chicken thighs, after they cook, I save the broth. Add 2 eggs (good for dog coat), 1/2 cup flour, 1 cup oats and 1 cup shredded carrots, mix up, dice small the chicken and liver, add all together, drop by teaspoons into the boiling broth and cook until done. All my dogs love it. I have 2 chihuahuas, Pekingese and German Shepard, also 6 cats, they like it too.

By Shirley

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Hello Everyone,

I have recently started cooking my dog's food at home in light of the pet food scare. I have consulted a holistic vet as well as several websites and doggie cookbooks.

For a dog around 10 pounds:

1 pound of lean or extra lean ground beef
1/4 cup brown rice
1/3 of a sweet potato
4-5 2" X 2" cubes of squash
1/3 of a zucchini
7-8 baby carrots
1/4 of an apple
1 egg

When preparing the foods before cooking, cut the vegetables into the proper proportions above. You should freeze veggies you will not use (2/3 of sweet potato etc) in raw form.

Boil rice until cooked through. Boil all vegetables in one pot until soft. Boil egg in a pot until done (the yolk should be solid).

Cook beef on a skillet. Do not drain the fat.

Put veggies, rice and egg (take shell off) into a food processor. Blend until semi-liquid form. Add beef.

The end product should be a paste. Put daily portions into containers and freeze. This should make about 6 meals for a 10-pound dog. Meals are half the daily intake so need to feed twice.

Provide a vitamin supplement daily.

By Priya

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

For Priya:
Your recipe sounds good. However my yorkie has a yeast allergy and I was wondering whether the rice or egg would affect her allergy, because I think rice or any dairy product is not good for a dog with this condition. If you know anything about this, could you kindly post it or email me. This would be appreciated.

By gloria

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Just to let people know broccoli and garlic are good for dogs, some have said it was not. Grapes coffee and raisins can in some rare cases be harmful.

By Ralphy

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Why is everyone cooking the food for the dogs???? Dogs prefer RAW food...RAW MEAT, RAW VEGGIES (ground to the size of a flea), EGGS (cooked long enough to set the white) Our dogs have thrived on this for 2 years now (The only thing we do cook is the rice and they only get that once or twice a week.
Check out the site

By Terry

RE: No-No foods? confused!!

I have read not to feed the following:

Then I see rec. that contain, onions, broccoli, turkey and some that have garlic and yogurt or cottage cheese.....can someone please tell me WHAT IS AND IS NOT really a no-no food! No wonder people stick with the rotten canned food, there are to many conflicting opinions!! I just don't know anymore!! HELP....

By Sisse

RE: Homemade Dog and Cat Food Recipes

I have a Yorkie and a Maltese and also a Tabby cat. If anyone has a dry food recipes I would really appreciate it. I refuse to feed my pets any of the store foods. I don't care if they are not on the list I still don't trust them. My friend lost her cat due to the poison and she is devastated. Thank you so much for any info.

By Rita

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Winston seems to think this is great:

4 parts lean ground beef, cooked and drained
3 parts whole wheat pasta, broken into small pieces
1 part juicy tomato
1 part zuchini
1 part yellow squash
a little bit of garlic for flavor

mix all parts well in a pot while heating to combine flavors. make as little or a much as you like. keeps in the fridge for 2-3 days. freezes well too.

By Chris Bettencourt

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

I have a 7 yr old yorkie and he was at the emergency vet for 2 days for pancreatitis. They said that feeding him "people food" aggravated the condition. I know that a lot of what they were referring to was fatty foods. I am so scared to feed him or my Aussie even dry commercial food now due to the recalls. Will it hurt my little guy to feed him homemade "people food"?

By sonia

<img src="/images/feedback_image.lasso?id=66081570" width="400" height="300" alt="RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes">

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

I use a 1/3 protein to 2/3 starch and vegetable mixture for my German Shepherd. For the protein, chicken livers and gizzards are great! The starch can be rice or oatmeal and for the vegetable I use carrots. Add a little wheat germ and garlic. My dog loves this!

By richlyna

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Why is it anytime you get onto a site for dog food recipes, they are either trying to sell products or a book. Cant we get nutritional easy recipes without a cost. Each time a site is given we have to spend money. Doesn't health mean more than money.
It sometimes makes me very angry whenever I try to get a FREE recipe. Anybody out there think this way?

(b)Editor's Note:(/b) There are ads on this site that help support all the free stuff but there are lots of free recipes on this site, dog, cat and other food. Read the feedback.

By gloria

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Garlic is actually excellent for dogs and their immune systems.It also keeps away parasites-internal and external

By Kelley.

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

where do you get the doggie vitamin and what kind and what garlic pill do you use for flea control ????

By marsha

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

This is on the site

Foods to Avoid Feeding Your Pet
- Alcoholic beverages
- Avocado
- Chocolate (all forms)
- Coffee (all forms)
- Fatty foods
- Macadamia nuts
- Moldy or spoiled foods
- Onions, onion powder
- Raisins and grapes
- Salt
- Yeast dough
- Garlic
- Products sweetened with xylitol

By Paula

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Why is it that I do not see any recipes using pork - is there a problem with giving dogs pork?

(b)Editor's Note:(/b) Ham or bacon is too salty for a regular diet but pork should be fine and the bones make a nice broth.

By Vickieo

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

my dog Beverly and i thank you all for these homemade recipes. i was pretty turned off only finding sites that charge for a book. Thank You i'm definitely adding this to my favorites, i have a feeling there will be a lot more fun recipes.

By moody

<img src="/images/feedback_image.lasso?id=51504732" width="400" height="301" alt="RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes">

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Just a note for all pet owners that changing a dogs food has to be done very gradually. You can make your animal sick or even die by changing too

By diane

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

The members here gave excellent advice and important info on free web sites.
I want to THANK all of you for caring.

Kevin, Big Bear City, CA.

By Kevin Carter

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Hi, I feed my dogs a homemade diet of cooked hamburger or chicken, fat free chicken broth, cooked carrots and brown rice. I divide it in baggies and freeze it, and just pop one in for them, mixed with their natural dry dog food. I will not give them wet canned food ever again. At nite, I give them non fat yogurt or cottage cheese mixed with a little dry dog food. It's easy and inexpensive, and great peace of mind.

By Owner of 5 dogs

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Thank you all for the recipes ideas. I just want to add that regular chicken boullion has too much salt to use. Also organ meats such as liver have too much cholesterol. My vet recommended 2 parts cooked white rice and 1 part hard boiled eggs for upset stomach in dogs since this was easy to digest and let their stomach rest and recoup, So these would be good ingredients to use but since the eggs are high in cholesterol also, I would cut back on them.

By cyndel

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes


My scottie has pancreatitis and I have to watch everything he eats. After several years of changing dog food brands...either he gets tired of it and quits eating or he get sick...I began making his food. I use lean ground beef, well drained; rice and frozen peas and carrots. Once a week I make a big batch, divide it into serving sizes and freeze. When he's ready to eat, I nuke it and add 2-3 Tbs. plain non-fat yougurt. I tell him its Beef Stroganoff and he loves it. He hasn't been ill since I took control of his diet. However, I need a recipe for crisp dry food as a fill-in for when I travel or as a snack for him.


By Peggy

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Have 2 small terriers that I cook for about every 2 wks. They rarely get commercial "dog food". Both are very healthy. Dogs are OMIVORES rather than just CARNIVORES. (Don't feed raw meat because might be contaminated, especially chicken.) Means they can eat most foods, especially proteins, and a balanced variety, just like us. I buy chicken, ground beef, turkey, catfish, salmon, (or whatever is on sale) and organ meats. About 7 lbs. of mixed meat/fish which I bake in oven with little water. In a big pot I add 1 lb pkg of frozen black eye peas (could be beans, garbanzos, etc.) 4 to 5 big carrots chopped in processor, 1 med. can tomatoes, 1 lb pkg. frozen greens (spinach, collard, etc.) 3-4 cloves chopped garlic, water as needed. For more starch I'll use a lg. sweet potatoe chopped, or 1/2 c. rice. Vegies also include celery, parsely, squash, peas, string beans, (I've never used corn). Mix the meat & veg. freeze in small containers. For breakfast treat I cook scrambled eggs with a hot dog and or grated cheese and milk to cool it off.
They love dairy products including yogurt. It's fun to try different healthy foods on your pets. They'll show you what they like. Start small till you get it right.

By Rosemary Freskos

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

For Rosemary
My yorkie has a yeast allergy and so cannot give her any dairy product. Was also told to stay away from potatoes, and eggs. Cannot understand why but maybe you can help me with this. Do you think this would affect a yeast allergy if I were to cook your recipe. I now cook her Ground medium minced meat with frozen vegetables. But the brocolli and brussels sprouts make her burp a lot as they are gassy. Please get back to me as I am desperate for a good recipe to homecook for a yorkie with this condition. thanks a lot.

By gloria

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

I know that rice noodles are a great thing when it comes to allergies. You can brown ground meat( I also hear lamb is the best for allergies,too), add water, rice noodles,and one veggie at a time (each different time you make it I mean) this way you can see if there is an allergy with veggies as well. Hope this was helpful!!

By Dee

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Can someone send me a recipes for a dog with kidney stones. If i feed her anything but chicken she passes blood and pus. please send any recipes that will help my dog. she is 13 year's old now.

thank's Rhonda

By Rhonda

<img src="/images/feedback_image.lasso?id=32313977" width="400" height="300" alt="RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes">

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

re your dog that passes blood in stool other than chicken. I had this with my dog and this is called lower bowel syndrome. If you homecook for him
try minced meat with frozen vegtables in it with a bit of garlic. This he will tolerate and will not get the symptoms you mentioned. Try it, it is worth it.

By gloria

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Hiya guys, i recently became interested in feeding my dog a natural diet, firstly because he seems to have a skin condition (flakiness etc), he tends to get hyperactive on normal dog foods (prob due to the colourings) and also because it will likely save money... and feel better all round.

I've decided not to prescribe to a raw food diet, simply because i feel that cooking helps break down the fibres in the veg etc, and makes it easier for the animal to digest.

I've been trawling the net for ages now, and reading up etc... and thought that perhaps a few of these links might be helpful to others who perhaps haven't found them: (gives info on possibly toxic foods) (has some recipes, though not all garanteed to be perfectly balanced!) (more recipes!) (some great video clips with useful tips on making meals for your babies!)

From what i can understand about the garlic thing and broccoli thing... garlic and broccoli have to be eaten in large amounts for it to have a poisonous effect, onions are dangerous because they have much greater quantities of the poisonous element than garlic. So as long as your careful with the amount of broccoli and garlic and don't give them way too much, then they should be ok... Atleast thats what i've gathered from what i've read around, and the advice from my vet...

Oh, and something else thats useful, the video clip above says that you can pressure cook chicken wings etc in a stew, and the bones become soft, and therefore don't splinter and risk your dogs health... I have yet to try it, but it'd be a great way to get more calcium into them... course i'm gona test that advice before i give it to my dog!

Hope that helps by the way!

Cat >^..^<

By Cat

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

There is a book called "The Holistic Animal Health Book" that has tons of home made recipes for animals in it.

By Mythi

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

This is in response to :

RE: Homemade Dog and Cat Food Recipes
Post By Rita (Guest Post) (04/06/2007)

Rita, you were asking for dry food recipies, and I just 'perfected' some really good ones.

You can use prety much whatever meat or veggies you want. My vet has told me that its good for dogs to have 60% lean meat, meaty bones, and organ meats, 30% veggies, and 30% starches like rice, whole wheat flour, pasta, potatoes.

For crunchier food, use cooked meat
For moist bites, use raw meat.

2 parts lean meat (ground turkey, etc)
1 part veggies (carrots, corn, squash)

Blend all ingredients together using a blender or food processor.

Using a strainer or just your hands, squeeze the excess liquid from the mash, and save it in another bowl.

Working with the new drier mash, gradually add in eggs and either rice flour or whole wheat flour. You're trying to get dough like consistency.

Take the dough and roll it into small kibble sized balls. Alternatively, you can roll out tubes and slice them into kibble. (Don't make the bites too big. You want to ensure that the meat cooks fully)

Spray a cookie sheet with non-stick spray, and place a single layer of kibble. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Turn/Stir up the kibble and bake for an additional 10 minutes.

Store in the refrigerator or freezer.

Can be left to sit out for 24 hours when offereing to your pet.

*****For your cat, you will want to add very little vegtables, and as little flour as possible. When picking veggies for cats, try to think of what might be in an animal's stomach when your cat would catch it. (Grasses, greens, etc.)

I hope this helps and I'd love your comments on it.

By Chris Bettencourt

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

I am using a mixture of 1 family size beef stew 1 bag of frozen peas and carrots and beef broth and brown rice.

Take the meat package in a dutch oven 2 tbs. Olive oil. Brown meat add 1 bag of peas and carrots and 1 cup of beef broth low salt.

Cook until meat is done about 40 mins. Add 2 cups of brown rice (min rice does well) i have 2 lab pit bull mixes and they were on pedigree can and 1 scoop of dry food 1 can equals 2 cups of this mixture. Put in freezer bags. I get about 8 meals out of this. For the dry food i use 3 pieces of whole wheat toast cooked well done. Let it cool down so it's hard. I make 3 days worth and put in plastic bag. My boys have been on this since the start of the food recall and love it. I also do the same thing with chicken hearts and gizzards cooked the same way with chicken broth and the veggies and rice. I give them beef one day and then chicken the next.


RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Hi everyone I am very interested in cooking for my dogs and i have a pretty good idea of what to make and ratio of protein, starch and vegetable but I have a question about how much of the mixture to feed the dogs? I have a 3 1/2 lab/pit mix who isn't very active shes 70-75 lbs. I also have a very active 2 yr old 60-65 lb mutt (we think hes a shepard mix). I know it will vary with each dog I just want a guideline of about how much each would need daily. If you could email me at sweettigger.25 AT I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks

By sweettigger

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

i have a 13 year old chow-welsh corgie mix all the food thats been recalled i dont know what to feed him.he likes chicken and beef. he won't even eat by himself i have to feed him with a spoon. i want to cook for him but dont know what. please help?

By sally

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Hi Everyone I was wondering how much a 65 lb and 75 lb dog would need each day if i cooked their food one is not very active she is 3 1/2, my 2 yr old is extremely active. I know it will vary with each dog i just want a guideline so i know how much to make and to offer them. Thanks for your help.

By Carol McNaughten

<img src="/images/feedback_image.lasso?id=19470922" width="400" height="464" alt="RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes">

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

I've been making my own dogfood for about 2 weeks now and they love it. I have two 15 lb "Jacks"
who begged for treats all the time. Now that they eat my homemade food, they hardly ever want the treats. I found so many great dog food recipes on a web site called "" and another called
"". I began digging old meat out of the bottom of my chest freezer and grinding it in my food processor and using the recipes as suggestions for what to add. I also bought some BREWERS YEAST, a nutritional supplement and added it, wheat germ and olive oil to the recipes. They are much happier doggies now, even the 16 yr. old! This is my baby boy who used to always be hungry- - not anymore. Now I know what he's eating and all of us are a lot happier.

By Barbara Anderson

<img src="/images/feedback_image.lasso?id=67236443" width="400" height="273" alt="RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes">

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

I've been cooking a mixture of brown rice and chicken for my large Akitas. They don't like veges. Anything else I can add for more fiber,and nutrition?

(b)Editor's Note:(/b) You could try grating carrot and cooking it with the rice, add a little and see if they will eat it, then try putting a little more in each batch.

By Kennyan

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Can anyone tell me if brown rice or pasta is good for a dog with a yeast allergy and itchiness. Or does anyone know of a homecooked recipe for a dog with this problem.
Thank you so much for your help.

By gloria

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

what is good for yorkies for breakfast he is only 6 mos. & weighs 4lbs

By nanid

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

I'm thinking seriously about cooking for my dogs, but how much [cups] do I feed a 100lb shepherd and a 65lb sharpei? Someone posted a 1/3,1/3, 1/3 mix and that's probably what I'd go with.

By Sue

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

HI I have written 4 cook books for cooking for your pets. I would be happy to GIVE you some recipes. I have a few on my site but I have many more that will be very easy for you to make once a week then you can freeze and use as needed.
you can look at my web site at Please feel free to email me from the contact page and I will be happy to help you.
" Remember the animals in your life are not just you pets they're your friends" WNR

By Wendy Nan Rees

<img src="/images/feedback_image.lasso?id=22104877" width="400" height="476" alt="RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes">

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

For Wendy Nan Rees:
Have been trying to contact via email but microsoft does not recognize this address, therefore cannot get through to you. Need recipe for a small dog with a yeast allergy, actually am in dire need of this.
If you can post one I would appreciate it so much.

By gloria

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Gloria- Please email me at
it is too long to post here but I am happy to help you
Thank you

By Wendy Nan Rees

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

For WNR I did go to your site and filled out the necessary info you needed. If you check it you will find it there. Dire need of a diet as mentioned.
Tried to email you but seem to get a response of no such address.

By gloria

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

I have always cooked for my pups and am selling it now. Have many recipes but mostly cook chicken livers and gizzards and ground beef(rare) with peas and carrots and rice and barley with a little egg and sour cream. If I have any chicken bones I crack them with a hammer and boil and strain and use the broth. You can get small containers with lids very cheap at the grocery store deli then freeze, pop in microwave. If you can get to the grocery store early in the morning you can get deals on discounted meat. Oh yea, I also add a little fish and flax seed oil. My dogs are very healthy and happy. The gizzards are chewy and it's good for their teeth and gums. My cats eat the same. T

By Mattie

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Trumpy,what about food for the a dog that has allergies and itchiness. What do you suggest.

By gloria

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

I am so glad I was able to help. Please feel free to email me anytime I am always happy to help

By Wendy Nan Rees

<img src="/images/feedback_image.lasso?id=56283045" width="400" height="400" alt="RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes">

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

This post is wonderful. This woman Wendy Nan Rees who posted her input on this page, is wonderful I was in touch with her via her website and she was most helpful. I know everyone out there is concerned with the food recall and is now trying to homecook for their pet, then I would suggest you get onto her site. She was most helpful to me re my little dog, and can offer some great receipes, and help with health problems. Thought I would pass this along to all the viewers of this great post. Thanks

By gloria

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Any information about feeding a large dog: Newfoundland at 155 pounds?

By Marilyn

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

I started making my own dogfood for my scottish terrier several years ago. He had skin rashes and I had tried every commercial food. I found this recipe in a book at the library and it had a chart comparing the nutritional value to commercial foods. It was comparable to an expensive food. My dog is healthy, loves the food and his rashes have cleared up. I have passed this on to several friends.

1 # BROWN rice
1 meaty soup bone
1/4 cup parsley
1/4 cup olive, canola or safflower, oil

Simmer all ingredients EXCEPT oil until rice is soft...about one hour. Remove bone. ( I let my dog chew it to keep his teeth healthy). Drain any
remaining liquid. Stir in oil. Let cool and store in a sealed container in fridge. It is easy and lasts my dog about one week.

By Karrie

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

For Karrie:
Your recipe sounds right, however would like to know how much brown rice to use for this recipe also what kind of bone do you buy.
Sounds easy and good. Thanks for your reply.
Appreciate your reply and will try this as soon as I see your answers for this.

By gloria

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

John Miller came out with a book with hundreds of natural dog food recipes. See

for the book.

By Jason

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Hi, I have a mixed breed (possbily some boxer or pit) 65 lb dog that can only eat Hill's Prescription Diet U/D because he gets bladder stones. It costs $58 for 30 lbs! The product characteristics are low protein, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, added taurine, increased omega 3s, high carnitine, added soluble dietary fiber, added antioxidants, increased dietary buffering capacity, target urine PH is alkaline (7.1-7.7) Does anyone know of a recipe that might work? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

By Gwyn

<img src="/images/feedback_image.lasso?id=15632996" width="400" height="522" alt="RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes">

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

I have several recipes for dogs that I have been using for 5 years. If anyone is interested contact me. Here are your basic ingredients:

chicken thighs, cheap beef cuts, chicken livers or organ meats, brown rice, fresh cut veggies. I don't have a book or a website yet but I have a lot of good ideas and recipes that work. catjane06 AT

By Jane

vitamin supplements

I read everywhere that you need to supplement homemade dog foods with a good vitamin supplement. Can someone recommend one? I notice that some a very expensive and some seem very reasonably priced. Is there a significant difference? What vitamins specifically do I need to supplement?

By blb4711 @

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Hi there just make boiled white rice mixed with cooked chicken breast . Good Luck

By Vincent

Vitamin Supplements

Just posting to the comment about vitamins with homemade food recipes. One good one is Canine Plus, available at any vet. office and you can add a fish oil tablet for ( skin/coat) and a calicum tablet- ask vet. how much per pound of weigh and you should cover all the vitamins your dog will need.

By Kara




RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

I would like to thank WNR for her cooking class and great recipes. I tried her services and she was available, reliable, and gave me great service. My dog also loved the food I prepared. She also has ready-made recipes which I plan to try. A+.
Thank you. Give WNR a try. It's well worth it.

By Dr. J. Berman

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

does anybody know how to treat a dog with a skin allergy and what to do for this and what to feed
thanks for your reply

By gloria.

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

I would like to THANK WNR for her great tips and recipes. my DOGS LOVED THEM
WNR- I will call you again
Thank you
to ck. out WNR go to thewildliferadio

By Nathaha Stanton

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

I have a small dog and she loves raw or cooked asparagas. I noticed none of the recipes have asparagas in them. Does any one know if it is bad or good for dogs?

Since the recall I have been making her dog food she use to be a very finicky eater and would let her food sit for hours or I would throw it out. Now she waits to be feed and eats it all. I buy a large bag of frozen chicken breast it will last weeks (boneless & skinless) while I make my coffee and do my dishes I make the dog food for the week it takes less then 30 minutes.

Put about 4 frozen chix breast (or other meat) in a glass dish with about 1/2 cup water
Add 2 to 4 cut up or shredded carrots
About a cup or more if desired of frozen aparagas pieces (or other veggies your dog likes). We eat a lot of fresh aparagas and I keep my left over pieces off the ends of asparagas and freeze them.
About a cup or more of cooked rice (I cook a lot at one time and keep it frozen I break it off to use as needed)

Microwave the mixure with a lid on it for about 7 or 8 minutes on high. The chicken will mostly thawed and partcially cooked. Cut up the chicken in large chunks stir and put back in the microwave for another 5 or 6 minutes or until done. I shred the chicken and mince the veggies or put in all in a blender for a few moments. Add about 5 tablespoons of "vita gravy" (about 1 tablespoon per day of food). I bought it at pet store (to fill in her vitamins). My dog doesn't like too much rice or veggies I put about double the meat to rice & veggies. Refrigerated it will last about a week for a small dog. Or seperate it and freeze it in individual bags. My dog perfers it slightly warm or room temp so I heat about 3/4 cup in the micro for 30 seconds before serving. Thanks to the recipes here I will try mixing it up with hamburger, chicken liver, eggs, peas, sweet potatoes and yogurt for a varitiy.

By Paula

<img src="/images/feedback_image.lasso?id=46264984" width="400" height="287" alt="RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes">

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

I have 5 dogs: 2 terriers, 2 beagles and a Pekingese. Since the dog food recall, I have been making my own food for my girls. I am looking for what kind of veggies I can put in with their food that is safe for them. I have been either boiling them ground beef and rice or chicken and rice but I would like to add veggies to their diet also. Any ideas, please email me at sasyblueyedbabe AT

By Leslie

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

does anyknow of a good recipe for dog food for my 6month old yorkie???do not want to feed him the science puppy food no longer since some of science food were on the recall list

By dcontreras

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

this might help

By maxy

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes and Garlic or not Garlic

Hi Everyone,
I was happy and impressed to see this great site! Well, my three yr old Yorkie has been dining on home made food for the last week or so. The morning I heard about the venison Natural Balance recall -which I had just started giving him-, I decided to start cooking for my Yorkie. Raw diet probably would be even better, I know. However, I need to educate myself a little more to get to that point. Since I started cooking for him, the hot spot on his leg simply vanished and he loves eating what he thinks is 'mommy food'. Of course, I do not give him any spice, salt, fat (olive oil is o.k.), fried foods, desserts, ice cream, chocolate etc. Well, here is what I feed him with: For dogs; it has to be always %25 meat (ground beef/chicken/egg/salmon canned or fresh/lamb, NO PORK, veal is o.k.) %75 carbs+grains, veggies (no grainy veg's for cats); celery, zucchini, yellow squash, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower(just a little)brussel sprouts(not much)green beans, bok choy or Chinese cabbage rains/yams, rolled oats (cooked 20') /barley flakes/millet/couscous. You will find that dogs do not digest rice well. Even if it is brown rice.
GARLIC IS GOOD FOR DOGS+CATS also HELPS TO KEEP THE PESTS AWAY. Apples, banana, cantalope (a small piece) are good for them too. 1 Tbs yogurt, cottage cheese also o.k. I would give all of the above veggies either in pairs or singly at a time. The grains should be fully cooked. Veggies should be mushed, serve at room temp. And, please try ORGANIC. Also, give dogs chewy treats (only natural) and a very good supplement (I am trying to find a GOOD one myself for my Yorkie at the moment).
Enjoy life, the planet and your wonderful animal companions!

By Gulden

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Visit this site 'Dog Food Secrets' , it has
home made dog food recipes, facts on other dangers of commercial dog food, and how to improve your dog's health by 8.3 years.

By Jason

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

HI- I want to thank you all for your wonderful emails!! I am happy to always help all of you if I can. I do have a list of what not to feed your pet at my site. Please feel free to email me at
Thank you again
Wendy Nan Rees

By Wendy Nan Rees

<img src="/images/feedback_image.lasso?id=90025630" width="150" height="226" alt="RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes">

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Here is a LIST of what NOT to feed you Dog or Cat
1. Chocolate can kill a dog
2. Raisins and grapes
3. Onions and onion powder
4. Seeds of any type
5. Nutrasweet, sorbetol, sweet n low, xylitol NO FAKE SUGAR! (Dogs love sweet things this is why I use Molasses and carrots. Natural sweaters.
6. Which plants- Apple Seeds, Apricot Pits, candy Coffee
7. Hops (used in making beer)
8. Moldy food
9. Mushrooms
10. Mustard seeds
11. Garlic * some still say small amounts are ok please ask YOUR VET!
12. Just to list a few very important items again ALWAYS check with your VET!
Thank you

By Wendy Nan Rees

<img src="/images/feedback_image.lasso?id=33368984" width="400" height="400" alt="RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes">

RE: Homemade Dog treat Recipes low fat

Hi, I hope you can help. I have a 12 year old teacup Pomeranian who ways 4 lbs. She has pancreatitis and eats only vet food Medical....I would like to prepare my own treats for her ...she needs low fat low protein and they have to be soft as her teeth are not great.
I hope someone can help me. My e-mail address is shirley1950 AT
My Cachou hopes to receive a recipe soon.

By Shirley.

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Jamie Young has a cookbook of easy-to-make, affordable dog food recipes, Grrrrowlicious Food for Hungry Dogs. There's a good balance of raw food, cooked food, veggies and meat. The photos are gorgeous and I want to eat the dog's food: chicken meatballs, bacon and cheese cookies, rabbit stew.

By Monique

<img src="/images/feedback_image.lasso?id=69825447" width="294" height="294" alt="RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes">

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Do I need to add oil to the recipes and if so which type is best and how much do I add

By Poppy

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Hi, I found several to get started with. Personally, I'll be at the bookstore this weekend in the doggie/kitty cookbook section.

Doggy Fish Dinner
1 can of salmon (bones removed)
1 egg beaten
3 Tbsp cornmeal
1 potato
1 carrot
1 stick celery
1 Tbsp peanut butter
Combine salmon, egg, and cornmeal and mix well, form into patties, and coat them with a little more cornmeal. Fry in a tiny amount of canola oil until brown on both sides. Chop patties into small bites and stir together with chopped and boiled vegetables. A spoonful of cottage cheese may be stirred in for moisture if desired. Finish off dinner with peanut butter as dessert.

Doggy Hamburger Helper
1 cup hamburger meat, stir-fried in 1 tbsp canola oil
2 boiled eggs, chopped
1/2 cup cooked plain oatmeal
1 jar baby food green beans
1 jar baby food carrots
2 Tbsp cottage cheese
Combine all ingredients and serve at room temperature. A good doggy multivitamin/mineral supplement may be added for good measure. Be sure to store unused portions in a covered container in the refrigerator and discard any remains after 3 days.

Doggy Casserole
1 cup boiled poultry, chopped
1/2 cup cooked brown rice
1/2 cup boiled mixed vegetables
3 to 4 Tbsp unsalted chicken broth
(Note: Salmon may occasionally be substituted for boiled poultry, with chicken broth omitted.)
Stir together and serve at room temperature. A good doggy multivitamin/mineral supplement may be added for good measure. Be sure to store unused portions in a covered container in the refrigerator and discard remains after 3 days.

Basic Dog Food Recipe
Submitted By: Shannon Kelly
4 c. rice
9 c. water
1/4 c. oatmeal
1 tsp. salt
1 T. eggshell, ground fine (about 2 eggshells)

Put all the above in a large cooker and bring to a boil, then add, while stirring:

1/2 c. 2% milk
2 T. parsley, chopped fine
3 oz. liver, chopped fine
8 oz. ground beef (or chicken or lamb)
3 T. corn oil
2 eggs, beaten
2 clove garlic, chopped fine
2 c. vegetables (carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.), chopped fine

Stir, turn heat to low, and cook for about 20 minutes until all water is absorbed. Then spread out in flat Tupperware containers, cool and cut into half cup squares. When feeding, add cottage cheese or yogurt, and 1 tsp. supplement mix per 30 lbs of dog weight:

Supplement Mix:

1 c. brewer's yeast
1 c. wheat germ
1/8 c. powdered kelp


Heat 1 teaspoon corn oil in a pan.

Add 1/4 pound beef liver and fry on both sides until cooked but not dry inside.

Add 1/2 cup water to the pan and mix it up with all the brown bits.

For dogs, cut the liver into pieces and serve; for cats, grind the liver in a blender, using the pan juices

By LuAnne P

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

I have been making my papillon's dog food for 4 weeks now.. He has stopped begging for treats and his fur looks better already... I buy the bags of frozen chicken breast, I cook 2 at a time in the microwave, this takes 10 mins (this lasts 3 to 4 days for a small dog) ... then chop them in small pieces and keep in a baggie and keep in the fridge....
Then daily I make a base of either brown rice, cheerios or wheat bread, cubed... Add chicken, vegies, cottage cheese or shreaded cheese and serve.... Slightly moisten with milk, water, broth or what have you....

By Mackyh

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

I have two beagles but my eldest beagle had some problems in the past with eating liver. Hence I will not be feeding my dogs liver. Period. Too much of anything is not a good thing and I strongly believe that feeding my dogs organs from animals on a regular basis simply can't be good. Think about what you are feeding your animals. I ask you all to think hard before feeding you animals raw meat as well. Should you decide to do so please keep a close watch on your beloved pets. Blood in their stool is a sign of a serious problem. I just ask that we all be careful here, as I am extremely cautious as to what I feed my 'babies' here. I constantly watch them for signs and symptoms. If we were to eat raw meat or raw eggs do you realize the risk and dangers with that? Same thing goes for your beloved pets. Please visit with your vet and keep in touch with him/her. Also, watch your pet's coat whether they are a dog or cat. If their hair falls out after you change their diet-there could be a problem there too. I just want everyone to realize that if you truly love your companions, your pets, your other family members you'll go that extra step for them as they always do for you. I would truly like to thank each and every one of you for helping all of us out! I makes me sick to see these sites who want to charge for recipes. This is one of the BEST I've seen yet. A community of people for ther pets! This is a really nice place to visit. I've bookmarked it!! See you later on everyone.

By Mary Myers

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Hi Everyone: This is a great recipe for a homecooked food. 1 cup of Brown Rice, 1/2 cup of turkey, (brown the turkey to take out the pink) add
vegetables, such as spinach, celery, green beans and grate some carrots. Cook these all together, then add to the brown rice. Add a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Very healty, bowel movements are perfect. Also give your pet a multivitamin every day,
and you will see how well your pet will do on this diet. I have been doing this for three months now and it is wonderful. Try it, you will see the difference this makes. GOod luck.

By gloria

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

THANK YOU- I hope I have been able to help you all
Please know if you ever have any questions I am always happy to help!! Thank you again for all your kind emails
Wendy Nan Rees

By Wendy Nan Rees

Homemade Dry Dog Food Question

I travel quite a bit and want to start making my own dog food. When I'm at home (with stove, oven, refrigerator, etc) it's no problem. However, I don't know how to make my own dog food that is dry. I need for the food to last for at least 2-3 weeks without refrigeration. Does anyone know how I would make dry homemade dog food?


By Sandra Kay

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

dog- purebred samoyed
age 9 yrs.
food. Yakutsk eats anything. we have to put him on a diet once a year for about a month. The only thing I do not allow him to eat is chocolat.
take 1# ground beef
1 chicken breast raw
1 cup rice (cooked)
1/2 cup yellow cornmeal cooked in enough milk to make paste
run all thruugh a meat grinder then I use jerky machime to make flat strips and put in dehydrater till almost hard.

By hobo aka ken smith

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

I am looking into making my own dog food but am confused?

I thought Dogs and Cats were carnivores that get some veggie matter from their victims stomachs, they also eat eggs when whey raid nest.

Rice, oats, rye and barley are the fillers that dog food companies add to cut down on the more expensive meet products and make their food go farther.

What wild dog eats rice and wheat unless it raids a garbage dump--large amounts of carbs and no fats are bad for humans who are omnivores wouldn't they be worse for carnivores who stomachs don't contain the same microbes to break down the sugars so why would dogs and cats need any type of carbs other than some veggies?

So shouldn't a dog food recipe be higher in meat and fats with some veggies and no rice, oats, barley, wheat or rye to be healthy and hypo allergenic.

I know that wheat, rye oats and barley are deadly to 1 in 144 people and causes many of human health problems and we are omnivores - so why would these be good for a carnivore?

(b)Editor's Note:(/b) Although cats are carnivores, dogs are omnivores like people. Dog's are scavengers and will eat a lot of things that cats won't. Although I had a cat a long time ago that would eat beans and pasta and leave the meat. My dog does fine with rice, veggies (carrots, celery, green beans) and chicken or turkey with the broth. She loves it and gobbles it up. I've heard that 1/3 meat to 1/3 veggies to 1/3 grain is a good mix for dogs. As for allergies, each pet is different but you take a chance with any store bought food, too.

By ludena

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

You can find homemade dog food recipes in my cookbook at

This cookbook costs $3.97

By Bonnie

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

HI I have posted new recipes for all of you and I am still having my online cooking classes. I have also made a new booklet for all you questions. Thank you again for all your wonderful emails. Please feel free to email me any questions you have.
Come cook with us

By Wendy Nan Rees

<img src="/images/feedback_image.lasso?id=18583262" width="400" height="400" alt="RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes">

RE: Sensitive or nervous stomach

I rescued a 3 year poodle that was abused. When I got him he was only 4 lbs, he is now 7 pounds, but every time he gets upset and sometimes for no reason he will spit up. Are there any homemade foods I can make for my little boy

By helen perrera.

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

"3 year poodle that was "(b)(/b)

HI this is Wendy Nan Rees - I have some tips for you on my site. Please feel free to email me at ***thewildliferadio**

By Wendy Nan Rees

<img src="/images/feedback_image.lasso?id=73092287" width="400" height="400" alt="RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes">

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Dog Food

Americas Choice, Preferred Pet
Best Choice
Big Bet
Big Red
Champion Breed Lg Biscuit
Champion Breed Peanut Butter Biscuits
Companion's Best Multi-Flavor Biscuit
Companion/Giant Companion
Companion/Giant Companion/Tops Companion
Companion/Tops Companion
Demoulas Market Basket
Doctors Foster & Smith
Dollar General
Eukanuba Dog Bites in Gravy
Eukanuba Dog Chunks in Gravy
Food Lion
Giant Companion
Giant Companion/Tops Companion
Gravy Train
Grreat Choice
Happy Tails
Hill Country Fare
Iams Dog Chunks
Iams Dog Select Bites
Iams Dog Small Bites
Jerky Treats
Laura Lynn
Loving Meals
Meijer's Main Choice
Mighty Dog
Natural Balance Venison and Brown Rice canned and bagged food and treats
Natural Life
Natural Way
Nutro - Ultra
Nutro Max
Nutro Natural Choice
Ol' Roy
Ol' Roy 4-Flavor Lg Biscuits
Ol' Roy Canada
Ol' Roy Peanut Butter Biscuits
Ol' Roy Puppy
Ol' Roy US
Perfect Pals Large Biscuits
Pet Essentials
Pet Life
Pet Pride / Good n Meaty
Presidents Choice
Price Chopper
Priority Canada
Priority US
Roche Brothers
Royal Canin Sensible Choice
Save-A-Lot Choice Morsels
Shep Dog
SmartPak LiveSmart Weight Managment Chicken and Brown Rice Dog Food
Springfield Prize
Stater Brothers
Stater Brothers Large Biscuits
Stop & Shop Companion
Stop & Shop Companion/Giant Companion
Tops Companion
Wegmans Bruiser
Weis Total Pet
Western Family US
White Rose
Winn Dixie
Your Pet
Source: Food and Drug Administration
Thank you again for all your wonderful emails. I will always try to help you. ***thewildliferadio**

By Wendy Nan Rees

<img src="/images/feedback_image.lasso?id=16038439" width="400" height="400" alt="RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes">

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

hi! I am looking for homemade dog food recipes. I have a lab/terrier mix and he is 5 years old. I am feeding him Publix dry food. does any one know if that is poison?


(b)Editor's Note(/b) It appears like it is on the list below.

By Hattie

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

I started making homemade food for my dog, a beagle mix, after the pet food recall. I put in boneless chicken breasts, frozen mixed veggies, a bit of chopped garlic, some ketchup and a tsp of brown sugar, add water to the mix and cook in slow cooker overnight. I recently started adding a can of baked beans to the cooked food. My dog has loved this recipe, he is also more energetic.

By a shinde

Quantity to Feed

Like everyone else, I am planning on making healthy, nutritious meals for Clara, my Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier. She is a little over 2 years old, 37 pounds and very active. It seems like a ratio of 1/3 protein, 1/3 carbs, and 1/3 veggies is recommended. But HOW MUCH do I feed her, i.e. how many cups of this concoction?


By Jennifer

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

I am amazed at all the help I found on this Site. Thanks everyone because I know my friends and I will be using them and truly appreciate this. May our kids now live a long and healthy life.

By Barb W

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

My little dog loves this recipe, and it has been OK'd by our vet.

Boil one boneless, skinless chicken breast. Turn off heat, add 1/2 cup uncooked pasta and cover until pasta is tender.
Shred chicken and pasta; add one hard-boiled or poached egg; 1/4 cup green beans; 1/4 cup low-fat yogurt; 1/2 cup low-sodium chicken broth (you can use the liquid from the chicken/pasta boil as a substitute for broth). This makes enough for several days, depending on the size of your pet.

My dog is as particular as can be about what she eats, but she loves this!

By teeliles

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

We love the picture of your dog, schnauzers are
the very best. I have done extensive research
on home made foods. We have always owned
three schnauzers at a time. You can email me.
ston y tn @ aol .co m

By nancy demaio

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

I started feeding my two Golden Retrievers raw food back in 2000 when my 4-year-old kept vomiting her Eukanuba, and was then diagnosed with an immune disorder. I didn't want to go with drugs, so I did the research and tried the BARF (Bones and Raw Food) diet. They say to wean them off dog food- but I only did that for 2 days. My dog was so happy the second meal that she literally ran across the room and jumped into my arms. Well, as much as a 70 lb dog can! The point is- the oats (cooked), cornmeal (cooked), veggies and meat turned her health around. Last October, when my 14-year-old needed to be rushed to the vet, she told me I should put them back on "dog food". I did this until the "scare", and am now weaning them, once again, off the dry food. The 14-year-old is still having kidney problems, but seems to be holding her own. The younger one has never had the first skin problem or other illness. I believe in the raw food diet, although my vet convinced me to cook the food now. It is a lot of work, but worth it. I make a huge pot and put it into plastic containers and freeze. I try to keep a week ahead so that I can have enough for emergencies. In a pinch, canned food is great- beans, pumpkin, etc., as are fruits like bananas and apples... Good luck to all of you who are wondering. It really does make a difference. I've been doing it for seven years, and will not go back again...

By Valerie

<img src="/images/feedback_image.lasso?id=11698484" width="400" height="265" alt="RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes">

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

I would like to thank Wendy Nan Rees for her cooking class! I would like to also say if you need fun, fast and healthy recipes then go to her site and take her cooking class! I have learned so much and Wendy is ready to help anytime.
Lulu & I say THANK YOU Wendy We are so happy and we will be back!!

By Victoria Vanoff

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

How much do you feed your dog. Say I'm feeding her chicken, rice, carrots. I have a 6 lb Papillon.

By sherri

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Hello, Like many of you I am doing more research on making a home made dog food for my dogs after all the dog food recalls. I have a 140LB english mastiff 1 and 1/2 yrs old. And a Great dane Pitbull cross 2 yrs old 50Lbs (size of a pittie). I don't know how much food to feed them. And to cook there meat or feed it raw? any help would be great. thankyou!

By Crystal

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Please visit for homemade pet food

By Mary Cina

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes




<img src="/images/feedback_image.lasso?id=31785520" width="53" height="166" alt="RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes">

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Does anyone know if you can use the Natural Balance Dog food beef stick, and shred them up with green beans and rice if that would make a healthy meal for our dogs. I would like easy. Also, if you wanted to do pasta.

By wacky camper

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Lots of helpful infor and recipes at

By flip195

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

All food are not dangerous, it may cost alittle more, but this is a hostic/organic dog food, you can go to they have a complete line for all breeds and even cats too. I have feed this food and recommend it highly go to the site and check it out for yourself, nothing you won't put in the food yourself! Thanks!

By Kandis Miano

<img src="/images/feedback_image.lasso?id=45403940" width="400" height="320" alt="RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes">

RE: any suggestions?

hello there...

i have a golden ret.-male... He is very skinny... I am very concerned. I am feeding a little bit more than usual but he is still skinny. What should i do? (b)any suggestions?(/b) pls. email me at : (i)doggielover_1994 AT thank you so much!

By natasha

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

My Mom and I started boiling potatoes without skin, carrots and added canned meat from the veterinary office. The cans are about $2.09 a tin, but I wanted a better food for my shitzhu, Oscar. I hope this helps you. I also cook white rice and freeze it in bags and put in freezer. It lasts for 2 weeks if I make 6 cups of rice.

By Lori-Anne

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

There are many recipes at

By Linda

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

I have started using the Doggie Beef Stick, cut up and mixed with half a can of the Vegall for my dog. I also add cheese with it, and he seems to really like it. I think from what I have been reading I am giving him all the food groups he needs. He really likes it.

By wacky camper

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Great site, enjoyed knowing that I wasn't the only one concerned with what my dog eats.

By Nancy

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

YES, chocolate is bad for dogs. HOWEVER...I have questioned several vets,all over the US and Australia (where I now live), In large amounts, and only very rich, mostly european kinds, can cause seizures in some dogs which could lead to death. I would never feed my or anyone elses dog chocolate. Garlic is ok in small amounts. It helps to clean the blood and reduce sickness.

By Nic1434

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

HI- I want to THANK ALL OF YOU! your emails have been great! I would also like to show my thank's to you by having a special for all of you at THRIFTY! If you come and buy a cooking consult and my new cookbook ( it has how to make your own kibble and 10 more new recipes.) I will send you 1 free 100% natural Soy Candle. Retail Value is $12.99 This is a great savings.They are great at stoping all odors, they come in a 6 oz silver travel tin. Smell great! come see what we have to help you and your pet. I also have free recipes for you on my site.
(quote)(/quote)Remember the Animals in your life are not just your pets they're your FRIENDS" WNR

By Wendy Nan Rees

<img src="/images/feedback_image.lasso?id=89149075" width="400" height="476" alt="RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes">

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Awesome site, just found it today, have been cooking for our 4 month old bichon poodle, scared about the dried foods on market now. She is a different pup. Thanks so much for the info.

By linda.

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

I'm very interested in the post by Linda, owner of four-month old Bichon Poodle. I have a one-year old Bi-Poo and am thinking about making her food. As this is small breed, only 8 pounds, how do you know how much food to feed your dog. Do you feed twice a day? I guess I don't really know where to start. Thanks for your help.

By Janet Poissant

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Just added more recipes to the blog.
I have added some new recipes for dog treats and cakes to the blog.
If your looking to make home made meals for your pets there is lots of other info there.
enjoy btw IT"S FREE.. no charge... GRATIS

By flip195.

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

yeh peoples real good site i cant even find anything to cook my chihuahua puppies for lunch, dinner, and breaky? anyone with recipes or meat or chicken roll recipes plz forward them 2 me at cause now im desperate as my 3 pups wond eat all all as they are fussy please someone help and hurry im worried

By christina

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

I have been doing our dogs food for a few years now and this is what I do.
Cook Hamburger and ground turkey
grind carrots
sweet potatoes
broccoli stalks
fresh green beans
I make all organic that I can and most of it except for asparagus is always organic but that is just my choice as I think it is healthier for them.
I make sure the meat is not in large pieces and will also grind it in my $20 grinder if necessary.
then mix all the ingredients together
In 2 weeks after giving them this they were acting like puppies again.
I make enough to last for weeks and freeze in containers.
Anyone interested in the amounts of each ingredient or any other information can email me at, use dog as subject or I will delete

By Roberta

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

The thing that I find interesting is that when ever a dog gets sick, they are put on a chicken and rice diet or some form of cultured dairy product. When the huge dog food scare came alone it gave a lot of people the push into feeding their dogs Homemade food. I do not understand how it is natural for a dog to eat kibble out of a shelf stable bag.

There are guidelines to putting your dog onto a homemade diet. You need to see your vet and YOU NEED TO HAVE BLOOD WORK DONE FOR YOUR DOGS SAFETY. After two months of being on the diet he should be retested to see if the diet is doing any good for your dog. YOU MAY DO MORE HARM THAN GOOD, only the blood work will tell.

Your dog also needs to have a complete and balanced diet. I recommend a "Holistic Guide for a Healthy Dog" By Wendy Volhard and Kerry Brown.

There are many things that your dog needs that you may not have given any thought to, for example:
Vitamin C, E and B complex
Blackstrap Molasses
Yogurt or Kefir
Cottage Cheese
Wheat Germ
Apple Cider Vinegar
Brewer's Yeast
Bone Meal
Wheat Bran
And also they types of grains you choose.
Each ingredient has a specific purpose and works with all the others to achieve balance for your dog.

I do believe firmly that your dog would be better off on commercial food if you are not willing to commit to a blood test to determine if you are doing your dog any good. I also believe in the homemade dog movement. Just do your pooch a favor and watch his health, Dogs are not humans and therefore have different needs and requirements.

Bella (black chow) and Brodie (blonde chow)

By Vanessa

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

HI- I want to THANK ALL OF YOU! your emails have been great! I would also like to show my thank's to you by having a special for all of you at THRIFTY! If you come and buy a cooking consult and my new cookbook ( it has how to make your own kibble and 10 more new recipes.) I will send you 1 free 100% natural Soy Candle. Retail Value is $12.99 This is a great savings.They are great at stoping all odors, they come in a 6 oz silver travel tin. Smell great! we are also sending you 1 FRESHEN VAC for your vacuum or to hang anywhere odors happen.come see what we have to help you and your pet. I also have free recipes for you on my site.
""Remember the Animals in your life are not just your pets they're your FRIENDS" WNR

By Wendy Nan Rees

<img src="/images/feedback_image.lasso?id=55781901" width="400" height="476" alt="RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes">

How much is needed?

Hi! Wanna know how much to feed...Is 2-3% of the pet's weight a good way to estimate the amount? While researching, found out that some websites/pet owners actually claimed that adding egg shell to pets food is a good source of wide nutrients and minerals? Is that true? Can dogs feed on that? Has anyone out there tried it out before?

By Bailey and Sassi's Mom

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes


For all of you doggy lover's i just wanted to give you a few pointer's
These are items that are poison to your dog so please don't use recipes that have these in them and also read ingredients when buying items for your dog food.

- Salt of any form
- yeast
- Peanut butter (deadly)
- White flour
- Sugars (any kind)
- All Seeds and most nuts (macadamia is worst)
- any chocolate or coffee at all!!
- Garlic (although in many recipes garlic and onions are very bad for your friends)

please take this in to account when making your own dog food and if using any kind of pre-made broth or canned fish and meats remember that the salt quantity in them is generally very high as it is used for a preservative. look for salt free items, low sodium doesn't cut it, there is still to much salt for a dog or cat in low sodium foods. Also keep in mind that dogs and cats are not meant to drink cow milk, it will give them worms, when using recipees that call for milk it is best to use a fat free powder mixed with the right amount of water to make a week solution..

here is a simple but healthy cookie recipe:

Mix together:

2 cups of whole wheat or rice flour
1 1/4 c uncooked oatmeal
2-3 tbsp corn meal
1-2 sm or med sized carrots finely grated
1/4 c finely chopped parsley
1/4 c finely chopped mint ( regular mint )

in small bowl mix:

2 tbsp vegetable oil
1 c warm water
1/2 c fish juice or meat broth
1 egg

mix wet and dry together to form workable dough, may need to add a little more flour to keep from sticking to hands.
Roll dough in to log thickness about 2-4 inches, wrap in saran or wax paper and let chill in fridge for about one hour.
Slice in to disks or flatten slightly before slicing( looks like biscotti) lay on ungreased baking sheet and bake at 300* for about an hour or untill dark brown but not burnt. let harden and cool over night so as not to sweat in container.

This is a great snack that will freshen breat and have your dog jumping through hoops to have more!

Best wishes to you and your friends.

By Willow

<img src="/images/feedback_image.lasso?id=47702845" width="400" height="300" alt="RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes">

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Hi, I have a 4 yr old cocker spaniel. Who has allergies, and seems to always have ear infections.
the vet says I should consider cooking for my dog.
She put him on a steroid for his ears, and also gave him an allery medicine. 4 Days later he was back at the vets office, vomiting. I stopped all medication for the weekend. She put him on a bland diet of ,
chicken and rice ,or hamburger and rice.
Well he loves it. So it's got me thinking maybe I should start cooking for him.
My question is ,does anyone else have a dog with constant ear infections, and allergies, with recipes that would be better for him,
please e-mail me with your advice at fozzie 6 @ comcast. net


RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

I have been feeding my dog mince, rice and vegetables. Is white rice good for dogs? Should i be feeding him brown rice?

By Trish

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

For Trish
YOu should be feeding your dog brown rice only.
A good recipe is buy mined turkey or lamb about 2lbs. 5 cups of brown rice, 2 1/2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, add 2 cups of frozen vegetables.
Mix all together.
I don't know how large your pet is, but mine is 14 lbs.
and I feed her 1/2 cup twice a day also including
a capsule of omega 3 oil at each feeding. This is a healthy and well balanced diet for a dog.
Good luck and try this recipe.

By gloria.

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

My favorite place to get dog food recipes is

By Susan

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

I love the" jerky" and all the ""good eats"" for my little ones

By Linda Harr

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

I cook both food and treats for my dogs (I have 3 golden retrievers and a hound mix). I have a blog with recipes for food and treats. The "stew" recipes are balanced and have everything they need in their diet. I will have more recipes posted soon. Take a look at what I have so far.

I also have a blog about commercial pet food and what is really in it, plus it has health tips and information on rescue groups and adoption.

By Terri Oak

<img src="/images/feedback_image.lasso?id=67702808" width="171" height="206" alt="RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes">

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

I read through this and found very educating. I got two great dane puppies yesterday. The breeder has been feeding rice and chicken meal from COSTCO. I am interested in feeding them home cooked food. Can you suggest a recipe please (specific for great dane pups)?
Please email me on abhay_v40 AT
Thank you all.

By Abe

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

I have a 15 yr. old cocker. Jake has had a funny stomach? for several years. I was feeding Iams Senior, but he would still eat grass . I want to feed him homemade but at his age what? He likes people food and I do give him veggies and some small bites of meat. He loves fruit. All these things are in moderation and not on a regular basis. I love my boy and don't like taking too many chances. Any help out there. The person about the ear infections. I have to clean Jake's ears every week and make sure after every bath or romp in the rain that you dry his ears completely. Keep the hair trimmed on the underside. Cockers are great but they require a lot of maintenance. Worth every minute! Thank you for this site, Robin

By Robin

<img src="/images/feedback_image.lasso?id=49149200" width="400" height="395" alt="RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes">

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

I am 23 and have a chiahuaua and a duchshund. They are my life and I really want them to be as healthy as possible. I got some great meal ideas to start cooking with, but still have the same question as many,.. How do I know they are receiving the right portions of food? What if they still act really hungry after a meal?

By carissa

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

For the lady with the cocker, I have a beautiful Black Cocker that I rescued about 15 years ago and who is now 17 years of age but you would never really know it. When we first got her she was always plagued with ear infections but mostly what they called "Yeasty Ears" horrible sour milk smell...yeck! Although she was groomed every 3 weeks and her ears well taken care of, we still ended up at the vets every couple of months. Around this time I was working with a nationwide rescue group and I had written my dilemma on one of our forum boards. Well this wonderful angel saw it and wrote me telling me about a homemade recipe called Blue Power. I checked it out, then talked to my vet about it. He okayed it, so I went to the pharmacy and obtained all the OTC ingredients. Used it on my cocker and took her back to vets for a recheck 2 or 3 weeks later and he couldn't believe it was the same ears he had been treating for months. Then he asked me for the recipe as he said he had other patients who would probably benefit from it. You can now find this recipe at: Natural Care & Resources

My cocker hasn't had an ear infection or Yeasty ears in 8 1/2 years, so it really does work! and For that Heinie and I are both grateful.

Best of luck...

By Adriana

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

I have made an animal blog because of the recalls, I have maintained the recipes I use for my dogs on there. It's free. The only thing I ask is if you wish to use the info I have on there for personal gain, please make a donation to They need all the help they can get.

I just added some new treats including one for dogs with bladder issues.

By Gill H

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

I have the cutest yorkie terrier, who is on a bland diet due to a ulcer. I do not feel comfortable giving her the vet recommended canned dog food. Does anyone know of a alternative I can make at home for her? Thanks

By Traci and Wrigley

<img src="/images/feedback_image.lasso?id=86231049" width="400" height="300" alt="RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes">

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

I make brown rice, can of chicken or salmon and veggies (green beans or peas and carrots) mix all this together and wala you have homemade dog food

By Georgia

RE: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Gryffin, our wonderful 3 yr old Boxer was almost a "goner." Maybe this story will be of some help to other dogs & the people that love & want to save them from pain and/or death. On 8/9/07 he had a full body hive & foamy-vomiting reaction to a chew treat called Pegetables (in various vegetable shapes & colors, is similar to-but not Greenies). He received a cortisone shot-hives diminished, then Benadryl was prescribed-it got rid of all hives & fluid retention; but 2nd day had a within 20 min. severe reaction to Benadryl causing bloody/foamy vomiting & severe bloody diarrhea. For myself I have used Hyland's Hive homeopathic remedy, but we were panicking & I didn't think of it or have it with me at work where we were.

Our sweet boy was bleeding internally, losing weight, of course in great pain, distressed & literally "going down for the count." He received IV fluids, barium test (in case of blockage), 2 blood chemistry tests (no sign of any organ damage), given a possible diagnosis of "histiocytic ulcerative colitis" & put on Hills i/d prescription canned food for life. When he came home from his overnight vet stay, he still had the problems. The nausea was improved with several doses of my remedy of strong chamomile tea in mouth with an eye-dropper, alternated with (inner leaf filet only/not whole leaf causes stomach irritation) aloe vera juice to help with healing the ulcers. He has finally improved, gained the weight back & is being his silly self again.

I have done a lot of internet/book research on this type of colitis in dogs & people (some Boxers are specifically & genetically predisposed) & for over 2 weeks have added homemade food to his expensive prescription diet. Am hoping to get away from the canned food when he seems fully out of danger & am considering canine digestive enzymes.

In thinking back in time before this incident, he often threw up after eating, was finicky, would hold out for soaked dog food (even with the best & most expensive dry foods), was always pretty lean for a boxer (but muscular) & drooled more & thinker than any boxer we have ever had; he may have had allergies and/or colitis all along. He did temporarily backslide last week (thick drooling, on/off food & distress with loud stomach sounds) when I had gradually added too much dry dog (not soaked) food to his canned & steamed meat/vegetable mixture; also seems to have problems with brown rice now. So now he only gets (4-5 x's a day) the prescription canned food, my homemade mixture & added powdered fiber & other liquids; thinking of slowly adding a small amount of (soaked only/dry can irritate colitis) Eukanuba Sensitive Stomach dry food & see if it works out.

My homemade dog food recipe is: 75% steamed meat (daily alternating chicken, turkey, beef, pork) with 25% steamed vegetables (only safe for dogs veggies used) & a little oatmeal to soak up the meat juices; this goes into the food processor when cooled a little, refrigerate some & freeze the rest. At serving I add warm (not boiling) chamomile tea (soothes the stomach & takes the chill off of the refrigerated wet foods, no microwave needed), a Tbsp.. of (inner filet only) aloe vera juice, tsp. + of natural powdered fiber (some are better than others for this condition because of the fiber fermentation factor), Hills's i/d prescription canned dog food (for now) & mix all together. He can't get enough of the homemade food & gives me his special "thank you kisses" showing approval! Our healthy Chihuahua loves the homemade mix too!

I have tried to condense this by leaving out some details & would be happy to share what I've learned from this experience with anyone. My question to you is: do you have any ideas to add to this; do you have any recipes that are suitable for this diagnosis , & are there any less expensive, low residue canned food suggestions for him? Thanks for this opportunity to contact you & your consideration! Denise

By Denise

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