
Problems Housebreaking a Dog?

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May 13, 20100 found this helpful

I'm no dog expert, but the way we handled this was to use a cage. No one like to poop where they have to live. Put the dog in the cage when you leave the house, at night or any other times when he's gotten into trouble. If he does poop in the cage, it is unlikely he will do it more than once. This will teach him to take the walks seriously. Eventually you can remove the cage. After a year and a half we removed the cage, and oddly our dog still retreated to the spot where the cage was to sleep or any time we'd leave the house. Good luck!

May 13, 20100 found this helpful

You need to let your dog know where its good to potty. Reinforce the good when he goes where you want him to...this may be in a potty pad in the house (try placing some of his poo on there when you leave so he gets the idea) and start slowly moving the potty pad to the back or front door when you come in and noticed he hasn't peed take him immediately for a walk soon enough he will be waiting at the door at the same time everyday knowing you will take him to potty by him sitting in that same place. Also make sure you are staying outside long enough for he little guy to not feel pressured. I have a Boston terrier and she won't go if she knows I am expecting her to go so I have to plan to water the garden and distract myself so that she can potty in peace. Good luck to you.

May 13, 20100 found this helpful

Crate train your dog, I've never had a dog not housebroke this way.

May 13, 20100 found this helpful

If this is a constant, repeating action... it is your dogs communication that he is upset with you all leaving him alone. Do you speak to your dog before you all/or the last person leaves the house. For example, "I'LL BE BACK". If you try teaching him this by doing it several times an evening, everyone going out of the house at the same time. Sit outside for about 5 mins, then come in and praise him for being good (that is if he doesn't potty). Or if he does, repeat bad boy, and do not give any positive attention for 5 mins. Dogs have no concept of time, so 5 mins to him is the same as being gone for the day. Dogs are like children, any attention is welcomed. And this is his way of saying he is not pleased that you all leave him alone. When he learns the phrase, you'll be surprise how he will just lay somewhere and watch the door for you to return. Note: a dog who is taught words, learn fast. It is a key to success for any training. Keep the words short in the beginning. Dogs can learn/have a vocabulary of/up to 200 words. Just be consistent in the word! And until he learns words, your phases of more than 4 words won't work. GOOD LUCK.

January 17, 20110 found this helpful

I am having similar problems. I have a small shih tzu that used the pads I would leave out when I stepped away for both short and long periods. Now she ignores the pads and sneaks off to a random place to pee and sometimes poop. She was a perfect puppy but 10 months in this behavior kicked in (now a year old). I walk her 3-4 times a day. I think she is doing it in spite. For instance I will walk her then 2 hours later I will step out to pick up dry cleaning or some other errand. She was walked 2 hours ago! Why pee when you just went a short time ago? I don't know what to do at this point. I put her in the crate out of frustration when I should be putting her in there when I step out for a few minutes.


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September 16, 2011

I have an (estimated) 8 month old Husky that I rescued from the Humane Society. I am having the hardest time housebreaking her. I can't understand why. We go on several long walks a day, and yet it seems she waits until we get home to use the bathroom. Sometimes she will wait and go in the yard, but usually she goes in the house. I cannot force her to potty when we are on our walks. I have her on a very routine schedule as far as going out, eating, and walking, yet she continues to defy me. Any suggestions?


By Christina P


September 17, 20110 found this helpful

I had the same problem with a young doxie I just got. The vet suggested I keep him on a leash in the house. I got a 6 foot leash and put it on a leg of my coffee table which is heavy. This has worked amazingly well. I let him out with the other dogs frequently. I am retired and home all the time, so it is not hard for me. Sometimes I crate him.

September 18, 20110 found this helpful

This is a random thought, but was she maybe living in a kennel her whole life? It may be that she just doesn't "know" how to go on the grass. Dogs can be funny about surfaces.


Does she go on the carpet or the tile? Maybe you could try putting down a rug or a linoleum remnant in the yard to see if she'll use that.

September 19, 20110 found this helpful

My family used to raise huskies, and they can be hard-headed this way. You will have to be specific and firm, but gentle in letting her know what you expect. You can try crating, as they usually do not go where they sleep - unless raised in a kennel or puppy mill- and then let her out and tell her -for instance- peepee potty- etc... when she does, repeat what a good girl she is. My Poms know when I tell them peepee potty exactly what I mean, and poopoo Potty too. Seems silly but they do associate the words with the actions.

September 19, 20110 found this helpful

I always have a potty party. It may sound silly but it does work.

Find a treat that is so special to your dog that it would move Heaven and Earth to get it. Some of my dogs liked Hot Dogs and others really liked cheese.


Anyway, when you take your dog outside to do her business once she does, you reward her and just get as super happy as you can get before the men in the white suits come for you.

I also always tell my dogs to "Go Potty" when training them and when they get older they realize "Go Potty" means just that.

I'm working with a Husky / Wolf mix now and Huskies in general are very stubborn and thick headed. Even at dog shows, you just never know if the dog is actually going to listen or be side tracked by a bird or squirrel.

I didn't know much about the breed except watching handlers work their dogs in assorted Obedience Classes. Apparently if the dog doesn't respect you, it's not going to listen to you. It's almost like the breed tests the owners to see if they're good enough to be their owners.


Don't give up, some dogs take longer than others but eventually they figure it out. The dog might of been left alone for hours and in it's mind it believes it should go in the house.

The happier the Potty Party the faster she'll learn. What ever treat you use can only be used for the potty training, it has to really stick out.

I clap and am just the happiest person you've ever seen when I have my "Potty Parties".

September 25, 20110 found this helpful

My son brought home a 10 week old female husky almost 8 years ago. We trained her with bacon treats she was wild about. She also loves bread and knows the sounds of the plastic wrap and will about tear the door down if she's outside and hears the bread bag. It is so funny! We always used the same word-potty- every time we took her out.


She soon learned that potty meant to go outside and "go potty". She also knows "outside" means the same. She has learned many words over the years and is the sweetest and most gentle of dogs. She has never messed in the house and it seems no matter how long we leave her for; she always waits to go outside. I always tell him that she's the best $50.00 he will ever spend in his life. It just takes time to train and all animals are different.

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August 6, 2011

I have a 7 or 8 month old Miniature Pinscher. He was a rescue, and the person could not tell me his exact age. I got him at about 5 to 6 months old.

He only ever peed in the house twice and never again. I was ecstatic! He did continue to poo in the house and has only stopped doing this a few days ago. From the second night I had him he would hold his bladder for 8-9 hours a night without doing anything in his cage.


Okay, so my problem is this. My Miniature Pinscher has to be crated when we are not home. I went out for only the 6th time since we have had him, and he pees in his crate every time. Even if we are only gone for an hour. What can I do? On average how long can these dogs hold their bladder? By the way I walked him for 30 minutes before I put him in is crate, and he had done his business. Thanks for any help you all can give me!

By Marie


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August 20, 20110 found this helpful

The pet seems to be getting a lot of fluid to drink and of course that's going to create more potty breaks in the day. Cut back on the water intake when you are going away for an hour and then give the dog water when you return.

Or, if you can make a fenced in dog lot in your back yard for him to stay when you're away, the heavy drinking wouldn't matter as you give him a potty break before coming back inside. Another idea would be to have the dog wear a belly band for incontinent problems when indoors when you leave the house or place a pee pad in the crate so it holds the liquid.

I have an older female who uses doggie pants as she's incontinent from having been frequently bred in her younger years and when we got her it didn't take long to find out the washable panties saved a lot of extra cleaning behind her when indoors.

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May 13, 2010

My dog only pees and poops in the house. Any suggestions?


September 10, 2009

We adopted our dog Scruffy (hes a Bichon Shih Tzu) about 6 months ago from another family. He still uses the bathroom inside. We have really been trying hard to find solutions but every time he gets better, he seems to fall off the wagon so to speak.


August 3, 2007
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