
Dealing with Noisy Budgies

November 18, 2016

I have a wonderful Budgie named Paulina Simone who has been mine for about four years now. We bonded deeply as I never bought another budgie for her to partner with. When I'm around and can talk to her or hold her she makes beautiful sounds and is a happy bird. However, in the last six months I moved in with my bf and he has informed me when I leave the house she sqwaks non stop at an unbearable volume :/


I had attempted two years ago to get another bird and Paulina proceeded to pick on the bird and then tear out her own feathers so I don't think an additional bird is a solution.

What can I do to help her be happy when I'm away?


December 11, 20161 found this helpful
Best Answer

We had budgies for a number of years when our children were small. We always covered their cage with a lightweight cotton cover and it always seemed to calm them. You can make your own, or buy one at any pet supply store.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
December 30, 20161 found this helpful
Best Answer

Do not reward the bird with any attention or eye contact. It will minimize in due time.

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

May 26, 2010

I have a couple of budgies that squawk all day and night, for no reason. I feed them and water them daily. It sounds like they are angry when they squawk. Sometimes they just chirp. I would like some advice on how to get them to quiet down.

If that doesn't work I'm considering getting rid of them and replacing them with fish, which are much quieter.

By kevin from Ontario, Canada


May 26, 20101 found this helpful
Best Answer

We have budgies, and as much as we love them they can absolutely drive you crazy! They aren't melodious, for sure. Unless they're actually fighting they're probably not angry though; it's just their sound. Budgies aren't programed to be quiet, and they associate silence with nearby danger.


One tip I was given was to make sure they stay as occupied as possible. Budgies are like kids. Give them a variety of toys, and rotate them every week or so for a change. Also try moving their perches and food dishes around, or relocating their cage in the house. If you can, let them out for awhile to stretch their wings. (just make sure they can't fly into windows or other dangerous places) I also agree with the poster who said to interact with them; they often seem quieter after we've had a little chat!

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September 3, 2017

I have a very noisy budgie. He's never quiet. He screeches and screams all day. He drives me balmy. I've had to put them in my bedroom just to get some peace. My female is quiet.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
September 3, 20170 found this helpful

Most birds make noise during their waking hours in the morning and evening hours before sleeping. You will need to train your bird to stop this behavior. Here are some steps to follow.


Step 1
Don't reward your bird with a treat when he starts squawking. This only makes it worse. Your bird will continue to squawk just to receive a treat.

Step 2
You will need to leave the room when your bird starts to squawk or he begins to act up.

Step 3
Don't return to the room until the bird is quiet for 10 minutes.

Step 4
After you return to the room and if he is quiet, then reward him with a treat. Tell him he is a good bird and he can earn your affection when he is quiet.

Step 5
You will need to train your bird to whistle or speak quietly. When training the bird, speak to him in a quiet voice or whisper to him.

Step 6
When training your bird, it is important to never raise your voice. When your voice raises, the bird becomes nervous and will raise his voice.


Step 7
When you are around the bird, you need to speak quietly to the bird. Only address him in a soft spoken voice and not a loud voice.

Step 8
When your bird lowers his voice and is quiet, praise him and give him a treat.

Step 9
Only reward your bird for good behavior. It is up to you to choose his vocal range. When the bird reaches the vocal range that is suitable, give him a toy or treat. He will learn what his vocal range is.

Step 10
You might need to change his environment. Covering his cage can help him quiet down. Also, if you have lights on, turn them off. This helps to calm the bird down.

Step 11
Keep the noise level down around the bird. The bird will react to a noisy environment and become nervous.

Step 12
When you are around the bird, don't make sudden or quick moves. This makes the bird nervous.


Step 13
You will need to have a playtime and exercise program for the bird. Give him toys in his cage and change them out from time to time. You can also play with, the bird and teach him to have fun and quiet down when he is playing.

This should help you train your bird to lower his vocal voice and be more quiet. It is up to you to not get angry and scream at the bird to shut up. This only makes him nervous and act out.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
September 5, 20170 found this helpful

i believe it is a fact that some budgies are more prone to be screamers than others and it seems males are usually more so than females.

Step 1


Do you keep them together all the time or do you occasionally move one or the other to another cage? Could part of his screeching be an attempt to impress the female?

Step 2
A lot of bird people recommend talking very low when in the same room so he has to shut up to hear you. Of course, it is a given that no matter how frustrating it becomes no one should raise their voice or scold the bird - try to hold it in until you are out of the room.

Step 3
I no longer have birds but I did at one time and I found that placing a cover over 2 sides would sometimes make a difference, I also found that I could change where the cage was sitting and it would sometimes help.

Step 4
I know it may not sound like it but is it possible he is a little scared lately? Has anything changed from your normal routine? Does he have a little house to hide in? If not, you might want to find a small box and see if that interests him? They do make boxes just for this purpose.

Step 5
Hopefully, some other suggestions will be of help but withholding attention when he is loud (some people sing while they are training their birds to behave) may be of great help.

If you feel that you really need immediate help you might want to try AviCalm. This was recommended to a friend who has an aggressive bird. It's a powder that you can mix in with their food, and it calms them down.

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ThriftyFun is one of the longest running frugal living communities on the Internet. These are archives of older discussions.

May 26, 2010

How do you keep two Budgies (male and female) from screeching their heads off all the time?

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