
Getting Rid of Opossums

January 14, 2009

Opossum in a CageI tried to catch this guy 3 nights in a row with no success. So last night I put a trail of bread OUTSIDE the cage and then a trail of bread going INSIDE the cage. Well, just like Hansel and Gretel, he followed the bread crumbs all the way into the cage far enough to trip the door closed. This morning, I took him over to the woods about 3 miles away from my house and let him go. I hope he doesn't find his way back any time soon. Here is a photo of him and I don't think he looks very happy, do you?


By Florida Gal from Spring Hill, FL

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April 29, 2014

After being woken up at 2:00 am the morning before, I was quoted $389 for removal from a wildlife specialist to trap the things. I did an internet search and found this tip.


October 5, 2013

How can I get rid of the huge mom possum that lives in my pine tree? It killed 2 of my cats. It's as big as a dog! I had 3 outdoor cats when I bought my townhome. It's in a historical area and I am next to a field, that's lovely. The neighbors and I took the stray cats under our wing; they were good mousers and mole killers. I give them food, shelter, shots, etc. But this spring one cried every night to come in.

I never saw it so scared. Soon I found out why. I saw what I thought was an average possum and I thought ran it off. Wrong. The last two cats were maimed so badly (leg and tails) literally chewed off. I later saw the monster mama. I have 1 cat left. I can't bring him inside. I have a cat that has never lived outside, etc. How do I get rid of all opossums without running off the kitty?

By Molley H.


October 7, 20130 found this helpful

I have the same problem but has not killed any of my cats that I have in a 20 by 10 kennel outside. I did see one in their kennel not long ago but it was not a large one. My cats out in the kennel are 14 plus and too old to kill like they did years ago when babies would get in there. I pray someone can give us an anwser.

October 7, 20130 found this helpful

You will have to either set a trap/cage yourself to catch it and then call the animal control to pick it up, or call them to do it, if they will. You can buy the trap/cage at hardware stores or a garden/pet stors. Hope this helps.

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May 21, 2015

I caught and released, about 3 miles from home, a possum. Can it find its way back here?

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February 9, 2008

We have opossums in our roof, and we don't know how to get rid of them. Can you please advise, because we can't sleep at night?

Wala S.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 169 Posts
February 9, 20080 found this helpful

I live in Houston and while I've never had 'possum problems i am reminded of the time that the golf course behind our condo had to call Texas Wildlife Commission to come get the 8 foot gators out of the water hazards. Why don't you try them? They might even come and get them since 'possums are wild. BTW they didn't kill the gators, just carted them off someplace.

February 10, 20080 found this helpful

My parents had a raccoon infestation in their roof a few years ago. They tried everything, moth balls, live traps, legs trap, sitting outside with a gun even. There has always been a opossum problem with the cat food left outside for the various strays.


The only thing that worked, for either of them (even the giant bull mastiff left outside didn't scare them!) was a clock radio turn up all the way to a talk radio station, it has to be speech or obnoxious music, no classical or something easy to ignore. It was placed in the attic and left on all the time, it was a plug in type, not battery operated. When placed at the other end of the house from the bedroom you couldn't hear it until you go to the other end of the house. However it scared off the wild life, didn't hurt anyone, and the cats would put up with the sound.

So try putting some sort of radio with speakers near the problem area. They were able to remove the radio for a year before the raccoons decided to try again, but they live out in the country so the raccoons didn't have many options.


P.S. It's important to get them out of your roof as soon as possible. Once they find a good nest they'll continue to come back. They will also use your roof as a potty, and it soaks through drywall eventually, causing holes for them to look through into your house, very scary! Also, they mess up the insulation so you loose heat and spend just that much more money because of them.

By Winterbird (Guest Post)
February 11, 20080 found this helpful

Get a large live cage, place a peanut butter sandwich inside for they love peanut butter and wait. Soon you can deposit them free in a environment right for them.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 472 Feedbacks
March 14, 20081 found this helpful

When I worked for animal control, the head of it told me that possums do not get rabies, so it was safe to reach out and catch them. Possums are not stubborn or beligerent; they merely have horrible eye sight (rely on their sense of smell) and are very shy which is why they turn and try to hide in a corner. We caught one in our yard and put it in a cage to take out to the country and let go. While in the cage, I scratched behind its ear, and it snuggled up to the side of the cage and acted just like a cat, only more shy.


The hardest part of getting it out of the cage was that it was so scared that it wrapped its tail around one end of the cage and refused to let go. We put the end of the cage in water, and it swam out and ran to safety. Please don't be mean and beat them to death with a broom (I've seen many do this). Once you get them out of the attic, be sure to seal off all holes so they aren't able to find their way in again.

January 10, 20101 found this helpful

While riding my harley down a road I never had been on before I saw a possum that had been hit by a car. As I drove slowly by it because I cant stand to see any animal die or suffer I saw something about 2 1/2 - 3 inches on top of her. I turned my bike around and saw it was a baby trying to get to her mammas teat.


4 Babies that didn't survive laid next to her, so I dug in her pouch and found 5 more babies alive. I put them in my saddlebags and went straight home. Got on the computer and found out how to take care of them so I had 6 little mickey mouse looking babies for 3 1/2 weeks, hand fed, used a warm washcloth to rub their stomachs lightly, this helps digest their food and go poop, (a replacement for their moms licking them to get their stomachs active) then I gave 5 to a wild animals rescue and kept skeeter.

They say they live 2 years but she lived almost 3 1/2. They do not have or get rabies because their blood temperature is to low. Anyways I made her her baby habitat and a little Harley hammock and when she got big we took our big closet took off the doors, I painted a palm tree, we built levels and ramps up to her now adult hammock and she loved it. I could nibble on her ears, kiss her face, she loved me to rub her little feet which are like little human hands. My mom watched her on my weeks vacation and when i came home she grabbed me so tight and made little crying noises.

We would take her to mc donalds for her own hamburger and fries. She loved them. After 3 1/2 years she got cancer so bad I had to have her put to final sleep and that still tears me up to this day. She was my baby and I will always love her. I'm showing a picture now but be sure to check out the contest because I have entered her in that. Here she is, a fat sable teddy bear. Skeeter

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May 1, 2014

I had a flashlight on an opossum and it came to me. What do I do? I was outside with a flashlight and I saw what I thought was a big cat, but when I put the light on it, it started to come to me. When I ran to my door it was at the side of the house; it was a opossum and it looked at me.

By Dannilea S.

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October 27, 2011

Is there a home remedy that doesn't cost a fortune to get rid of possums? I have a family of possums that have made a home under and in the walls of the house. Is there a easy way to run them off, a smell or a chemical they can't handle being around? That is really all I know to put down. Please and thank you.

By Terry

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April 22, 2010

What can I spray on my passion fruit to get rid of possums?

Hardiness Zone: 1

By jim from Australia


April 29, 20100 found this helpful

Moth balls have worked well for me in getting rid of skunks & other unwanted animals; I bet they'd work for possums, too. (And they're cheap!) Sprinkle a few on the ground around the plants; replace them after rain or really heavy dew.

April 30, 20100 found this helpful

It would be unfair and cruel to take them into another area as they are extremely territorial. Any program I have seen where they rescue possums they always return them to the place they found them. As for deterring them from your fruit - I'm not sure how that would be achieved.

May 17, 20100 found this helpful

Well I do know now for a fact that possums do kill ducks. And I hate them. I will/am going to do whatever it takes to get rid of this possum under the house. Move, kill, or whatever.

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May 24, 2011

Even though we live inside the city in a fully inhabited neighborhood, we seem to have an opossum (and I'm told possibly babies, too) roaming at night. I have not only seen evidence of it (you know what I mean), but I have seen it on the neighbor's porch. What can I do? Thanks for any help.

Dennis in Texas

By DennisAndEstelle

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September 13, 2010

My neighbor has an opossum in her house under her garden tub. We have set live traps with no luck. Is there any other way to run it off?

By new prospect tenn from New Prospect, Tn

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October 25, 2013

I have heard chewing on my a/c vents under my mobile home late at night. Could the animal be an opossum? I've seen one on my front porch (not afraid of automatic light on porch) and in the tree over my house.

By Lyn

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