
Removing Grape Juice Stains on Clothing

August 18, 2010

Man's hand helping a young boy drink his juice.When I was washing my white cotton sweatpants, grape juice got transferred from a dirty tea towel in the same load. I unknowingly put said pants into the drier baking the stain in. Yikes! How can I get the stain out? (I do not like to use bleach. btw)


By Chrisha from Kamloops, BC Canada


August 21, 20100 found this helpful

Have you tried using Rit brand color remover? I've seen it in the fabric dye section of grocery stores. (Walmart)

August 21, 20101 found this helpful

All good suggestions. Please take the rest of this with a smile on your face. Only sometimes the stain can not be removed. Having 6 kids and all kinds of stains, I use the artist in me. Some times the kids help. I take fabric pens and draw or copy designs to fit around, between, or over the stain. Sometimes I stain it a little more using rags or paint brushes. If you don't think you can do it, have a friend copy from a picture you like. Don't stress out. It's not worth it.

August 31, 20103 found this helpful

Use Hydrogen Peroxide. I Promise it will get the stain out. It works great for grape juice, prune juice and basically anything reddish. I just used it not more than 20 minutes ago on my daughters shirt.


If it's been dried in the dryer, I'm not sure. It will still work if it's been air dried though.

August 24, 20160 found this helpful

Thanks for sharing this information. I had juice from a red grape on my blouse (97% cotton/ 3% spandex). Of course, I put cold water on it, to no avail. I found your tip and tried it while my blouse was wet from the water. I put some on a paper towel, and blotted over the stain. I was interupted and a few minutes later, I noticed the stain had disappeared. It's my favorite shirt!!! Thanks so much.

October 14, 20160 found this helpful

Thank you sooooo much!!!
Hydrogen peroxide did the trick!
Got grape juice that spilled on my favorite blouse and set for 4 days out!!! I'm mean completely gone!


Great trick!

February 10, 20170 found this helpful

IT WORKED!!! I applied the peroxide to stains where I wasted grape juice on a pair of beige jeans came back 20 minutes later and the stain was gone, vanished, had disappeared. Thanks

April 2, 20180 found this helpful

Thank you! It worked! Two different shirts with two different grape stains (one a black grape stain and the other a red grape juice stain), both came clean with hydrogen peroxide! No fuss, just drops of the peroxide and GONE in seconds!

September 20, 20190 found this helpful

you use bleach

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

January 4, 2015

How do you remove grape juice from clothing?

By Holly from RI


Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 220 Answers
January 4, 20150 found this helpful

Easy online search for many answers!

Try this from Good Housekeeping:

February 26, 20160 found this helpful

u can use vinegar or clorox

December 23, 20160 found this helpful

Well I found out that if you get a pod filled with detergent (like the ones you throw into the washer) and pop it you just have to keep scrubbing, mine was a monthly old stain on a white t-shirt and now you can just barely tell where the stain is!

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March 2, 2010

I'm doing a science fair project on grape juice stains and cleaners. My question is:
Why is a grape juice stain so hard to remove, if possible at all?

By Ketray


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 147 Feedbacks
March 3, 20100 found this helpful

www.buyoutpaste.comGrape Juice Stain Removal
Grape juice contains natural dark pigments, thus making its stains one of the toughest to remove from fabrics. Here is some information regarding effectual grape juice stain removal tips, which you can use to clean off those reddish purple stains.


The more nutritious grape juice is for health, the tougher are its stains to remove from clothes and carpets. However, being a fruit juice of several health benefits, grape juice is the most preferred choice for people of all ages. Consequently, the chances of grape juice stains on clothes and carpet are high, particularly, if you have kids at home. And the worst part is that the dark colored pigments present in grape juice make the stains difficult to lighten with regular detergents.

You can find numerous stain removal products that promise to remove grape juice stains. Such products not only cost sky high, but can also weaken the cloth fibers, reducing the quality of clothes. the other alternative, which is also cost effective, is to use home remedies for removing grape juice stain. Use effective tips for grape juice stain removal and you can clean the stains with less effort and without expensive cleaning products.


Grape Juice Stain Removal from Clothes

If you are among one of those hundred moms who are struggling to clean grape juice stains from the kid's shirts and clothing, refer the following useful tips for easy removal of the stains:
Sponge the stain portion of the cloth with cold water gently, making sure that you are spreading the stain.
Apply lemon juice in the already soaked area or else, you can rub the cut side of a lemon over the area.
Using an absorbent tissue paper or a clean washcloth, blot the loosened stain as much as possible.

Repeat the step of applying lemon juice and blotting out the liquid, until the grape juice stain is removed totally.
In case you notice a faint stain even after applying lemon juice, you can use white vinegar for cleaning the stain.
Sponge the stained area with white vinegar and use tissue paper to absorb the liquid until the stain is invisible.


Rinse the cloth with cold water thoroughly and allow it to air dry. Read more on stain removal from clothes.
Grape Juice Stain Removal from Carpet

In order to remove grape juice stains from carpet, you can prepare a carpet cleaning solution by using the regular carpet shampoo available in the market. Easy steps for removing grape juice stains on carpet are as follows:
If you act immediately after grape juice spillage, you can succeed in blotting up the juice with a paper towel before it sets in the carpet.
After absorbing the stain, you can apply lukewarm water over the stain area by using a spray bottle.

The next step is to blot up the liquid from the stained carpet portion. You can use a washcloth to do so.
Following this, prepare a cleaning solution by mixing 1 milliliter of carpet shampoo with 1 liter of lukewarm water. Mix well the solution prior to applying in the spot.
Dab a cotton cloth with this solution and carefully, scrub it over the carpet stain.
Blot out the liquid with a paper cloth. Continue to apply the cleaning solution and blotting until the stain disappears.

The last step is to sponge the treated carpet area with cold water and blot with washcloth.
For more information on removing stains from clothes and carpets, refer to:
Red Wine Stains - How to Remove
Carpet Stain Removal

The above mentioned tips for grape juice stain removal are most effective when used immediately after the staining occurs. If possible, act before the stains dry on the fabric. If the grape juice stains persist even after following these tips, you can consult professional laundry services for stain removal. Good luck.

October 30, 20160 found this helpful

Hi, I'm doing a science fair project too. Can we talk about it?

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February 27, 2017

What is the best laundry detergent for taking out grape juice stains on clothes?
(It's for a science fair project<3)


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 255 Posts
February 27, 20170 found this helpful

Oxyclean, or if on white clothing, try soaking in water that has a denture cleaning tablet or two dropped in it


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
February 28, 20170 found this helpful

Before washing, soak overnight in 5 gallons of hot water with 2 T each of dishwasher powder and hydrogen peroxide.

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November 10, 2014

What is the best cleaner to use to get out a grape juice stain?

By J'asmin J


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 255 Posts
December 5, 20170 found this helpful

From clothing? Shout or oxyclean. From a hard surface? Soft scrub.

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November 24, 2012

I just got red squeezy juice on my t shirt. I put it under cold water, but that didn't help. How can I get it out? The shirt is not white.

By K


March 3, 20170 found this helpful

If the fabric is cotton, boil a kettle of water. Stretch the stained part over a bowl and pour the boiling water in a steady stream over the stain until it is gone. I learned this trick from a friend who grows and cans or cooks all kinds of berries. It works for grape juice too. Not sure about synthetic fabrics, though.

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August 18, 2010

I need to get a major grape juice stain out of a 100% cotton shirt. I have not done anything to it yet. I just got the stain today. I'm at a loss as to what to use.

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