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There can be several reasons that you are not receiving your newsletters.

The first thing to do is double check the email address you used and verify which newsletters you signed up for by going to:

If the email address is correct, it may be that the emails are being filtered into your spam folder by your email vendor. If you search for "", you may be able to locate them. If you change one email to "not spam", it usually helps ensure that the future emails will be delivered correctly. Adding to your address book may also help. Check with your email provider for specific details on how they handle spam filtering.

Another option is that your email provider has filtered them out as spam but has not forwarded them to you. This is becoming increasingly common as a way for email providers to combat increasing numbers of unwanted emails for their users.

If this is the case, we receive notification from your email provider that the emails are being received but they are being deleted before they are actually delivered. We don't have any way to require the email provider to deliver them, that must come from the user. You will need to contact your email provider and tell them that you are not getting the emails. Tell them they are coming from "" Often, they can fix it right away but occasionally they want a test email from us to track or need us to fill out a confirmation form. Let us know what they need and we'll be happy to send it as soon as possible.

If you still need assistance with this issue or if you would like us to check the status of your newsletter subscriptions, please contact us.

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